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Effective Supply Chain Strategies for Delivering Customer Value: An Analysis

Learning Outcomes

1. A critical evaluation of Supply chain knowledge and a critical awareness of current supply chain problems and new thinking

2. An in-depth and critical understanding and identification of the key requirements and opportunities for supply chain strategy.

3. A comprehensive and critical evaluation of analytical techniques applicable to supply chain analysis.

4. Consideration of how to structure, and manage a global logistics network

5. Critically identify and evaluate the most pressing challenges for logistics managers arising from the globalisation of supply chains.

6. Critically reflect on the nature of the new organizational paradigm, looking at the new tools, methods and relationship management strategies being developed to respond to the demands of a changing environment.

7. Demonstrate originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of analytical and managerial skills in order to apply this knowledge, within an overall business environment in an integrated manner.

8. Apply the tools and techniques for effective supply chain management in a different markets

9. An ability to critically evaluate and solve complex supply chain problems both systematically and creatively, make reasoned judgements in the absence of complete data and communicate your conclusions clearly.

10. Preparing and presenting proposals effectively

11. Demonstrate self direction and originality in solving complex supply chain problems.

The final assessment for this module is an Individual coursework assignment on Supply Chain Management
Note: appendices are not included in the word count for this report. Format is a formal written report of maximum word limit words (word limit to be stated on the front cover) including diagrams (e.g. organisation charts) and tables. Report should comprise Title Page

The key to real Customer Value is effective Supply Chain Management”.

Discuss the above statement, using one or two at most, examples of real companies that have either achieved (or failed) to deliver customer value via their chosen supply chain strategies.

The main objective of this assessment is to: enable students to demonstrate knowledge of effective supply chain strategies in the pursuit of customer value. Support this statement using real examples of companies operating in today’s global competitive environment, showing the
importance of effective SCM strategies in successfully delivering customer value.

Provide an in-depth critical analysis of the main argument – effective supply chain strategies can deliver customer value (literature review). Examine research which has argued that SC strategies can deliver customer value- with examples

Support this with one or two examples from companies (likely to be high profile companies, e.g. Apple;, Caterpillar; Samsung Electronics etc, etc) how their chosen supply chain strategies have delivered or failed to deliver customer value.

Short Conclusion.

Prepare an individual assignment (no shared work).

SCM theory from course text and relevant Journal publications is essential.

Full references and sources of all materials must be stated

Use your student ids for anonymity (i.e. no student names on the assignment itself). Students are expected to access and utilise academic articles which are accessible via the Brunel library homepage (e.g. using the “e-Journals Gateway” or the “Emerald database”).

References should be taken in the main from Journal publications. I will accept some web references, but I would like these to be kept to an absolute minimum.

 would expect over of references to come from journal publications. The remaining to come from web sites and text books.

I would expect a minimum of 20 references for this assignment.

Please Note: You should also all be aware of the University’s policy on Plagiarising. Anyone caught plagiarising will be dealt with severaly. 
