In the main part of this final report, you must detail the international business project you are about to execute. The project is expected to be either a case study, a business plan, a marke entry plan or an academic article. In this assignment, you detail all the themes and approaches to your project, including your research strategy and the main international business themes and models you used to critically discuss all the relevant details. While each project will be different, there is an expectation of a high level of detail, critical analysis and deep awareness of the sector, company, market and other international-business- related notions. Your report needs to be detailed and specific enough to be doable. A business person reading your final report should be able to execute your plan (whether it is a business plan or a market entry plan) or gain all the insights from the case study/academic article. Your analysis of sector, company, or international business theme should be detailed within the expectations of a final report and the requirements of the word count.
on your experience having thought, researched and written this final report. Use this part to 2 reflect on your preparedness to work in international business, demonstrating your awareness of the potential for self-development. (Limit this part B to 500 words) Examples provided on your NILE site are there to guide you; however, you should not use the same companies in your project. Check the Module Guide (handbook) for further details.
The learning outcomes assessed in this assignment are outcomes b, c, d, e, f and g (refer to your Module Guide). They address a student’s ability to
b. Research relevant information from a wide range of sources and use this to analyse the international business issue(s) under consideration.
c. Devise, sustain and convey an argument, verbally and in writing, supported by valid evidence and use of relevant sources
d. Make judgments by critical analysis and evaluation in relation to complex situations
e. Demonstrate a consistent and positive work ethic that indicates a preparedness to explore multiple options and reflect on opportunities for self-development
f. Critically analyse approaches for planning the requirements of a complex task.
g. Produce a suitable final written submission, appropriate to the nature of the task as defined, making informed decisions or opinions in the context of real world issues, justifying any conclusions and recommendations with supporting evidence and/or analysis.
Your grade will depend on the extent to which you meet these learning outcomes in the way relevant for this assignment. Please see the grading rubric at the end of this assignment brief for further details of the criteria against which you will be assessed.
• be 5000 words in length, excluding references and appendices. Make sure to use appendices strategically. You are allowed only 10% above or below the word count; [4500 words for PART A and 500 for PART B]
• Follow the generic report style uploaded on Nile.
• be expressed in structurally clear and correct English;
• refer to relevant theories and/or models to inform your project;
• be fully and correctly referenced both in the text and at the end using the Harvard Referencing system.
For first sits, if an item of assessment is submitted late and an extension has not been granted, the following will apply:
• Within one week of the original deadline – work will be marked and returned with full feedback and awarded a maximum bare pass grade.
• More than one week from original deadline – maximum grade achievable LG (L indicating late).