All assignments will be provided with a summative mark and formative feedback, briefly highlighting strengths and areas to improve performance, which will be returned to you electronically. The faculty office will inform you of the date when these will be made available to you.
Students must retain an electronic copy of this assignment (including ALL toolkits results) and it must be made available within 24hours upon request be submitted.
Module Specific Summative Assessment Criteria and rationale for tasks
The assessment is in the form of a portfolio comprising three parts:
Will include a critical review into the concept of employability and graduate labour market, general or industry of your choice and local recruitment practices and main skills and competencies required and brief identification of relevant career theory to inform your career path plan choice and career plan in part two.
Will include a long-term career plan and process into employment at a target company and industry including a reflective assessment of suitability informed by evidenced self-analysis and academic literature .
Part 3 include the tools designed and psychometric test results to achieve the career goals, all to be presented within the assignment template (25% weighting).
This assessment will contribute directly to the following Undergraduate programme goals and objectives.
1. Knowledgeable about the theory and practice of international business and management
Students will be able to:
1.Acquire knowledge of functional areas of business and management.
2.Acquire knowledge of specialist areas of business.
3.Apply their knowledge to business and management contexts.
4.Conduct contemporary research into business and management.
2. Skilful in the use of professional and managerial techniques and processes Objectives:
1.Provide evidence of self-reflection as a means of informing personal development planning.
2.Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication skills and the ability to work in a team.
3.Demonstrate critical thinking skills.
4.Demonstrate problem-solving skills.
3. Aware of ethical issues impacting on business and professional practice Objectives:
Students will be able to:
1.Identify an ethical dilemma in a business situation
2.Suggest ethical solutions to this dilemma
4. Employable as graduates
1.In the context of securing graduate employment, demonstrate the skills of self presentation.
The assessment comprises a 3000 word reflective portfolio of evidence focusing on three main aspects of academic and employability skills development, namely:
1.Undertake a critical review of the literature regarding ‘employability’. Consider the current market place for graduates and choose a career path informed by career theory” (up to 1.400 words, worth of 35%).
2.Informed by part 1, provide a theoretically informed detailed personal career plan based on a reflective self-assessment of your knowledge, skills and abilities mapped against your prospective employer requirements and job role .
3.Provide a supporting set of toolkit results summary (including key results and themes) and selection tools as evidence of module engagement and skill development.