From the results of the formative assessmentand additional secondary research you will then individually address, critically evaluate and compare/contrast people management of the UK and your chosen country; addressing the three main aims of this assignment:
·Firstly, select, critically review and reflect upon key theories, models and tools associated with individuals, groups, teams, management and leadership in international project-orientated contexts.
·Secondly, to considerhow self-awareness and sensitivity to the psychological, social and cultural factors may influence behaviour of self and others inproject teams within an international focus.
·Lastly, to critically evaluate a range of options available to improve team work in projects and to provide recommendations to improve team dynamics, trust and associated success in international projects.
Delivery: academaically written, with appropriate in-text citations and supporting references an assignment of 4,000 words. To include a 200 word abstract (not included in the word count),introduction, critical review of theoretical elements, comparison of governernance, organisational structures, cultures and team building from two countries.
The assingment will be submitted and assessed electronically and addresses Module Learning Outcomes listed below.
It is envisaged that by undertaking such independent preliminary research, this may act as a prelude, generating future research interest which could be further developed individually, or in collaboration with peers or academic staff at the end of the module.
The paper is to be properly structured and supported through ‘academic’ research using appropriate and quality references which are cited correctly throughout. It is to conclude with an effective summary recording what is now ‘known’ in these selected areas. A separate references list must also be provided at the end of the document.
Further Information
Learning outcomes from the Module Descriptor/Specification:
1.Define and evaluate selected key theories and concepts associated with the main characteristics, models and processes of International People Management.
2.Critically evaluate selected key theories and techniques associated organization, organisational structures and management processes in relation to International People Management.
Intellectual / Professional Skills & Abilities:
3.Empowered with the knowledge, skills and abilities to create, participate in and effectively lead real and virtual project-orientated teams.
4.Critically review the literature on strategic management and engage with what others have written through evaluative discourse.
Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA)
5.Exhibit the professional ethics characteristics of a Northumbria University postgraduate student. You will have the opportunity to reflect on how these are related to your own values and thus review your personal professional development plan.
Introduction: This will contextualise the topic of people management in a global organisation and positions the importance of people management in project teams. As well asconcisely summarising and comparing global people management in order to justify the selection and importanceof the chosen topic areas in the main subject matter. 5%
Relationship with existing literature: The paper should demonstrate a critical evaluation and reviewof the key theories, models and literature in the field, citing an appropriate range of literature from recognised academic sources. 25%
Critical and evaluative self-reflection: Consideration of self-awareness and understanding of psychological, social and cultural factors which influence behaviours in an international project team. 25%
Consideration and evaluation of options. Criticacally evaluate the options generated and make recommendations to improve effectiveness of an international project team. 25%
Communication and presentation:Attention should be paid to the clarity of expression and readability, including general structure and use of appropriate language and style for a professiona report. Care should be taken not to use inappropriate jargons or acronyms. 10%
§General structure, formatting of the work and the references section (see below notes) in particular. 5%
For this task, full academic referencing from any sources used is to be provided in the references section at the end of the assignment using the Harvard referencing style, where correct and working hyperlinks to the original source should also be created to allow the tutor to check these sources.
In-text referencing should also be undertaken using the Harvard referencing style.
The referencing technique for the Harvard Referencing style must follow the appropriate guidance contained within either the “Cite them Right” publication (Pears and Shields, 2008). Both of these resources provide consistent help and information about correct referencing technique and standards. In other words, everything should be traceable to the sources used.
Further assistance with academic reading, writing and referencing is available via Northumbria Universities Skills Plus web page.
The work should be formatted using ‘Arial’ font, of font size ‘11’, with 1.5 line spacing.
The work shall be a maximum of 4000 words (which excludes the references/bibliography section). Plus 200 word abstract.
Figures (diagrams, illustrations, photographs etc.) and tables are welcome to support the text, but must be fully incorporated into the submission, integrated and following the text that fully explains why they are exhibited. 200 words will be counted for each separate figure/table used.
The work must form a structured and coherent whole. No contents page or superfluous front matter is required. Only a basic front sheet for the submission is to be provided, that identifies the student number (not name), the total number of words used (excluding references section), and the number of figures/tables used.
Footnotes'/’Endnotes’ will be permitted, as they can offer sufficient value, providing, their use is minimal, sufficiently concise, and appropriate - they offer only 'clarifying' information, or add 'adjacent' value to the sentences already written.In other words, they are not to be used to 'hide' words that would otherwise normally be expected to be contained within the main body of the text, and their use will be considered in accordance with the University policy regarding word limits.