The validated module description for this module sets out the following module aim:
1.provide the students with the opportunity to engage in an in-depth study of personal interest in the field of construction management.
2.develop the student’s capacity to undertake rigorous and theoretically informed research
3.develop the student’s understanding of the linkages between conceptual issues, subject area and research methods.
4.provide the student with experience in the planning and implementation of a research project and the subsequent writing up of research findings in a dissertation or project report.
On successful completion of the module the learner, operating autonomously and creatively, should be able to:
LO1: demonstrate an ability to initialise the selection of the research filed using a wide range of information sources and manage the retrieval and organisation of information efficiently and effectively.
LO2: undertake a systematic enquiry into an identified research problem through the identification of aim and objectives, application of appropriate research methodology with a well-argued justification for the method employed and use of Harvard referencing
LO3: critically evaluate evidence from both academic research and professional practice, combine information and ideas from a variety of sources, and develop a theoretical framework relevant to the research problem.
LO4: demonstrate a critical awareness of research design and it is application to a chosen research aim.
LO5: analyse and interpret research data (ethical sourced) and present the results in an appropriate format.
LO6: communicate research findings in writing clearly, coherently and in accordance with academic conventions.
The final submission will be assessed in accordance with the following assessment criteria in the following pages:
1. Are the research aim and objectives clearly expressed in terms of aim, objectives and either proposition(s) or key question(s)?
2. Does the literature review provide a thorough and comprehensive critique of the subject area? Is the review rigorous and critical? Is the review based on literature from a wide range of sources? Does the review highlight the theoretical issues associated with the topic, in order to
provide a conceptual framework for the primary research?
3. Is the method appropriate and is there a clear linkage between the method and the research aim and objectives? Has the method been clearly explained and justified? Has the data collection process been clearly described? Has the method of data analysis been explained?
4. Have the research findings been clearly presented? Have the findings been rigorously analysed and interpreted in a coherent manner? Have the findings been clearly linked to the conceptual framework identified in the literature review?
5. Are conclusions clearly presented? Do the conclusions arise directly from the findings presented? Do the conclusions relate directly to the stated research aim and objectives? Have research aim and objectives been achieved? Is there a clear line of argument? Is the significance of the conclusions identified? Are recommendations (if provided) relevant and appropriate? Is there recognition of the limitations of the research?
6. Is the dissertation/work-related project thoroughly referenced in accordance with the Harvard system? Is the bibliography set out clearly and in accordance with the Harvard system?
7. Is the dissertation/work-related project well written? Is the writing style clear and appropriate? Are there spelling and grammatical errors?
Is the document well-presented? Have all requirements of the brief been complied with in terms of style, layout, structure, etc.?