The research project should include the following sections and chapters; however, the word lengths of the various sections are approximate and may change across different projects. The criteria on pages 4-9 will be used to assess your work.
Chapter 1: Introduction
The introduction provides the background to the research area. The research question and three objectives should also be provided within this section. (300 words, 7 marks).
Chapter 2: Literature Review
The literature review should provide a brief and analytical review of the main theoretical literature that is directly relevant to your project, which is likely to be a detailed account of the most significant literature provided in the earlier research proposal. (500 words, 13 marks).
Chapter 3: Conceptual Framework
Create a conceptual framework based on existing literature relevant to this research that shows the linkages and relationships between key variables and how they are related. The conceptual framework should be presented in the form of a diagram which is excluded from the word count. You should also provide a brief evaluation of the conceptual framework which explains the key variables and relationships between them. (200 words, 5 marks).
Chapter 4: Methodology
This chapter should consider how you are going to conduct your research, and why you have chosen particular methods. This will fundamentally be derived from your earlier research proposal; however, this will have to be adjusted and edited to fit the flow of this research project. You will have to clearly justify your research strategy, sampling technique, identify your sample size, describe how you collected the data and how you will analyse the data. In addition, you may also address research quality issues and discuss how ethical matters have been managed. (700 words, 18 marks).
Chapter 5: Findings and Analysis
This chapter involves presenting and analysing the data you have collected. This is one of the most important sections of the research project and this is where you add value to your research findings. You should explain what you have found and why it is important. You may examine your findings against previous discoveries reported in the literature. If any inconsistencies are evident, you should explain why such differences may have occurred. (2000 words, 50 marks)
Chapter 6: Conclusion
The conclusion chapter should not be used to present any new material and should be a conclusion to the whole research project, including whether the project answered the research question. The conclusion may be structured around the research objectives shown in Chapter 1. The conclusion chapter can be used to briefly outline any recommendation for future action. (300 words, 7 marks)
List of References
The list of references should include all sources used within this research. You must use the Harvard referencing style. (Excluded from word count).