A good Report generally requires you to answer the question and to include…
Management Overview and Risk Ratings (20 Marks)
Executive Summary
You must produce a report aimed at both the CEO, who want to see a high-level summary, and the technical team, who will want to read about the specific vulnerabilities that you have found. The executive summary should provide an assessment of the risks faced clearly outlining risk priorities and any other pertinent information you feel the organisation should be aware of, and strong recommendations on how management should approach the findings you have discovered.
Risk Ratings
You must use any recognised risk rating system to score the vulnerabilities. Whichever risk rating system you use, you must define your impact and exploitation criteria, the number of levels and what those levels mean. For example, if you choose to use CVSSv3 as a scoring matrix, you must clearly explain the difference between the low/medium/high risk scoring system.
Methodology (30 Marks)
Describe the methodology used for each of the two (web/architecture) tests. For each step in the methodology, explain:
Report on vulnerabilities (50 marks)
This section of the report provides a description of the vulnerabilities found.
(a) System vulnerabilities testing (45 marks)
You must identify, test, and report vulnerabilities in one of the client’s systems.
Ultimately you want to get ‘root’ access on the system. Marks will be awarded for all valid steps taken to get to that point. Penetrate test 05 machines from rated as ‘medium’ or ‘hard’ and provide a penetration testing report.
Your report must include an explanation of network configuration changes that might help in addressing the vulnerability.
(b) Network configuration (5 marks)
Your report must include an explanation of network configuration changes that might help in addressing the vulnerability. You must recommend firewall rules to reduce the risks of exploitation. IPTables should be used to craft any recommended rule. If you choose the windows machine for this section, you are still required to create IPTable rules to reduce the risk of exploitation. As Windows machine do not use IPTable rules for filtering, you can create these rules by using the Linux based machine you have used during the tutorials.