1.Demonstrate a broad understanding of the knowledge base of systems analysis and design concepts, and their terminology and discourse, including awareness that areas of this knowledge base are open to ongoing debate and reformulation, thus fostering a socio-technical approach to the analysis and design of systems;
2.Identify and apply principles and concepts underlying the theoretical frameworks highlighted in this module, and demonstrating an ability to identify their strengths and weaknesses in an analytical fashion;
3.Evaluate and collect information from a variety of authoritative sources to inform a choice of solutions to standard problems highlighted in this module, by applying the techniques learnt in a business context and evaluating the design decisions;
4.Evaluate the reliability of data and information provided in this module, using pre-defined techniques and/or criteria, including an understanding of object oriented systems theory in a wider context.
This assignment introduces a realistic scenario that you should analyse first and then design and evaluate a solution using an object oriented analysis and design approach. You should use Unified Modelling Language (UML) to visualise the design of the proposed system. Your assignment consists of two pieces of coursework. Both pieces are to be done individually.
The Scenario: Icon College Student Information Management System (ICIMS)
Icon College has 500 students and 25 staff including admin and tutors. The college is planning to increase the number of students and staff. For the college to grow and be successful, an efficient information management system is required. The new system is aimed to provide and support the following activities.
·Admins can record, delete, search and update staff, student and course related information.
·Tutors can record and update student attendance.
·Tutors will use Moodle - Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) - system for Student assignment marking and grading. However, once the grades are entered in Moodle, they will be transferred automatically to the ICIMS system.
·Admins can review all grades using the ICIMS system but will not be able to update them.
·Admin will be able to enrol students on to courses and track their attendance.
·Tutors can record remarks on the students’ academic progress, attendance history and any other relevant information.
·Tutors will be able to upload lecture material, homework and exercises which the students can complete online.
·The system will notify the students automatically when their grades are ready to view.
·The system will send a warning message to students if they do not submit coursework in time and will automatically stop them from accessing the system if they don’t pass three modules in one semester, and will notify admin to exclude these students from the course.
·Remark: Staff and students need to login to the system in order to use it.
You are required to analyse the requirements of the new system and design the main components (e.g. overall system use case, class diagrams, interaction, sequence and collaboration diagrams) for Icon College. You should demonstrate a broad understanding of Object Oriented design principles and UML techniques, and apply them on the design of the following components:
oShow one use case diagram with all primary use cases for the college system. Remember that the system box only appears on the top-level diagram (i.e. Icon College System) and should contain use case ovals for all primary use cases such as register student, update details etc.
Detailed use case description for two primary use cases stated in your overall case diagram, such as members’ data registration
Brief description for all other primary use cases
·Conceptual class diagram
Show conceptual classes, associations with names (e.g. staff class), functions (e.g. register), and significant attributes such as in staff class you would have name, age and id
Show generalisation, specialisation, associations including composition and aggregation if applicable
Provide a brief description of all conceptual classes and main attributes
·Interaction diagrams
Include boundary and control classes needed for the interaction diagrams
Sequence and collaboration diagrams for specific activities, e.g. how to exclude a student from the system
Activity diagram for a primary use case such as record training session
Describe the proposed designs and justify your decisions for the interactive diagrams