Learning outcomes assessed within this piece of work as agreed at the programme level meeting
On successful completion of this module students will be able to
1.Build a mobile application for business purposes using the android platform.
2.Apply understanding of mobile user experience UX and implementation of accessibility features.
3.Identify properties and capabilities of modern mobile devices and the specific issues relating to software development for them.
4.Demonstrate cross platform choices and mobile application implementation techniques.
You have recently been recruited as a graduate mobile app developer for Mecachrome Software Ltd, working in a team of business analysts, database developers, UX designers and programmers on a project to develop a database backed foodie app for London. The purpose of the app is to improve the foodie experience by providing a one-stop shop for all their food needs. This app is called “For foodies by foodies,” FFBF.
A registration page to allow users to register. Capturing: email address which must be unique and will be the login name, first name, surname and password.
There are three types of users. Users, certified food critic and Admin. All should be able to login to their accounts using their email address and password. Users who are not registered should be denied access to the app. Critics cannot register as a critic but can only be registered by an admin. Once logged in they should be taken to a welcome dashboard with links to:
Here a list of the Restaurants should be listed in alphabetical order with optionally a thumbnail image with the Restaurant name. E.g:
These restaurants should not be manually hard written to the activity or fragment but should be dynamically read from the database and then set on the activity. When the user clicks on one of the restaurants, a new activity with content from the firebase database should then be displayed showing up to date information on the restaurants with an option to make a reservation. E.g.:
If the user chooses to make a reservation, a new activity should display taking the user to the respective restaurant’s reservation webpage, where the user can make a reservation. E.g. if a user were to click “Book” on The Ledbury, a calendar should be displayed and the user can select a date for the booking, which will take the user to the OpenTable website with the date and the following link takes the user to his/her to:
Users can only view reviews, rate a critic’s review and make bookings.
Only certified critics can post reviews on Restaurants.
Only Admin users can add new Restaurants to the list.
•Street food
Similar to the example activity above this activity should list street food in London. This area’s content is created by the users for users. Users can add new street food stalls that they think are nice and that are not already in the database. New database entries should include the name of the place, picture, location, vegetarian or no-vegetarian and description.
Before the record is saved, the app must check the database to make sure the street stall has not already been entered, in order to prevent duplicate entries.
Users can view reviews, post reviews and delete reviews. Only the user who posted the review can delete it and the Admin can also delete it.
Users can rate reviews.
•Forum Activity/Fragment
Users can Visit the forum where a range of topics is displayed. Each topic will have chat contributions within it from different users. A chat contribution should contain the username who posted the chat, date and time and their chat contribution to the topic. The chats should be listed in chronological order.
Users can view their profile and can edit their details.
Users can view the profiles of other users but cannot edit their details.
A SQLlite database but preferably a Firebase database should be used. A proposed model will be shown below. Feel free to adjust for your solution.
Don’t exceed the word count
You need to state the word count at the end of their assignment. 10% over the stated word count is permitted without penalty.
If students go beyond this, then there is a penalty of 5 marks for every additional 10% beyond the word count with a maximum of a 15 mark penalty reduction.
There is no specific penalty for submitting a piece which is below the word count, but please note that shorter submissions are likely to attract poorer grades, particularly where they lack the necessary depth of analysis.
Tables and figures (e.g. diagrams, graphs, photographs, etc) may be used as evidence to support academic argument. They are mostly used in report writing. However, it is important that tables and figures are used purposefully (i.e. with good reasons) and when appropriate. They should also be referenced correctly.