Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this piece of coursework, a student will be able to:
LO1 - demonstrate a critical understanding of the role of Operation management within Organisations
LO2 - demonstrate a critical nderstanding of the role of Supply Chain Management and Global Logistics
LO3 - evaluate the impact of Operations, Supply Chains and Logistics to organisations around the globe and in different ind strial settings.
LO4 - synthesise key factors to measure the performance levels of key actors in Operations and Supply Chains
LO5 - recognize the importance of improved customer service levels and how this can be attained via the integration of Operations and Logistics & Supply Chain Management
LO6 - demonstrate a critical understanding of Systems/Process management as well as Forecasting and Inventory management
LO7 - examine the warehousing and transportation functions and its importance to elevated customer service levels
LO8 - understand the role of the Internet of Things and Big Data in the Operations, Supply Chains and Logistics
LO9 – recommend possible avenues for improving efficiency and effectiveness in various processes, supply chains and logistical industrial settings
LO10 - perform a thorough academic research on Operations, Supply Chain and Logistics issues
Assessment Criteria
A Bare Pass mark must have:
Interpretation and scope: A clear attempt to present a case study on the area of Operations & SCM management. There is sufficient organization of the data of the case study.
Understanding of topic: Basic awareness of Operations & SCM management principals must be evident. Some understanding of the Operations and SCM tools and techniques used must be demonstrated. The relevance of principals and tools with the case examined must be clear.
Use of literature: There must be evidence of independent literature review research. At least 10 references must be included. The appropriate cross-references must be included in the assignment.
Evaluation and synthesis of evidence: The information collected and presented, must be used in the Operations & SCM tools and techniques. Results must be clear and specific.
Critical analysis: A discussion evaluating the results must be present. There must be a clear effort to evaluate the results using the literature presented.
Structure, logical development: The proposed structure must be used. The material presented must have a logical sequence.
Executive Summary: Executive summery must exist. It must at least define the scope of the assignment and the main results.
Conclusion: Must draw together the main results and discussion points.
Spelling, grammar and syntax: A good use of English. Some errors are accepted such as punctuation, misuse of words, spelling and sentence construction.
Writing Style: An authoritative style and language should be used.
Presentation of data and references: Data must be presented and organized with the use of Figures and Tables. Figures and Tables must have all the necessary headings and labels to allow easy understanding of the data. Figures and Tables must be numbered to allow cross-references and must have an explanatory title. Only the necessary amount of information will be included in the main body of the assignment. The rest of the information will be presented in Appendix.
Overall presentation: A satisfactory overall presentation is necessary.
A Solid pass mark must have all the above plus:
Interpretation and scope: The work presented has a clear case study format. Results are properly organized.
Understanding of topic: Clear understanding of Operations & SCM management principals must be evident. Clear understanding of the use of the Operations & SCM techniques and tools. Only the appropriate tools for the case analyzed must be used.
Use of literature: More than 10 references from reputable journals and articles must be used. No cross-reference to material handed in the classroom. Very small match in TURN-IT-IN evaluation. Evaluation and synthesis of evidence: High quality of analysis of the information collected and presentation of results.
Critical analysis: Results must be critically discussed and compared with literature review andother business benchmarks.
Structure, logical development: The sequence of arguments must “flow” clearly to results and conclusions.
Executive Summary: Executive summary must have appropriate length and contain the scope the main arguments and the final results.
Conclusion: Summarizes all key points, issues and outcomes. Must include a clear recommendation based on the outcome of the analysis.
Spelling, grammar and syntax: A good use of English. Minimal errors such as punctuation, misuse of words, spelling and sentence construction.
Writing Style: Effective use of business report style. Clear and easy to read.
Presentation of data and references: As above plus good presentation of Figures and Tables that allow fast communication of the information.
Overall presentation: A very good overall presentation is necessary.
A First Class mark must have all the above plus:
Interpretation and scope: Excellent definition of the situation discussed and analyzed. All significant points are identified and covered. All necessary information is presented in the appropriate format. Understanding of topic: Excellent understanding and exposition of Operations & SCM management issues. Insightful and well informed. Good awareness of nuances and complexities of Operations & SCM with other operation activities. The topic is focused and clearly defined.
Use of literature Excellent use of related evidence to support arguments/points. Substantial evidence of independent research that exceeds the basic requirements. Practically no TURN-IT-IN matches in literature.
Evaluation and synthesis of evidence: Substantial evaluation and synthesis of source material and numerical results. Evaluation of interactions with other business areas. High level of numerical analysis.
Critical analysis: Excellent standard of critical analysis. Questioning but unbiased approach of current practices. Clear evidence of independent thought. Critical discussion of numerical results. Structure, logical development: Convincing case made. Aims, arguments and conclusions fully compatible.
Executive Summary: Clearly defines subject. Includes aims, approach and conclusions Conclusion: Excellent. Accurately identifies and summarises key points issues outcomes. Uses appropriate number of numerical results to support outcomes.
Spelling, grammar and syntax: Very high standard. Negligible errors. Style: Very effective use of English. Clear and easy to read.
Presentation of data and references: Excellent use of relevant data, examples, figures, models. Data are clearly and effectively summarized with the use of appropriate tables or figures. References accurately cited and listed.
Overall presentation: Excellent presentation. Carefully organised and well presented. Students’ Handbook followed.
Detailed Description
Delegates are asked to implement an Operations & SCM Management construct discussed during the module in their own organisation. The evaluation should be in the form of a report (such as to the board of the organisation) and should (typically) contain the following information:
Front page
• Presenting a title for the report and the name of the student
Executive summery
• up to a page
• overview of the problem analysed,
• solution selected,-results achieved and
• any other key information for the assignment.
• ½ to 1 page.
• briefly describing the area/company (or the department) involved and
• the type Operations carried out
Description of current situation:
• 1-2 pages
• At case study style and ending with clear description of the problem.
• Presentation of numerical information, process flows or other data that will support the analysis.
• Where appropriate estimation of the financial losses due to this problem.
Possible solutions
• 1-2 page
• Analysis the data and evaluation of results
• Propose out one or more possible improvements/solutions for the problem you examine.
Proposal of a new procedure or change:
• 1-2 pages
• Based on analysis presented in the previous chapter.
• Justification of why you choose the specific improvement/solution and why you rejected the rest.
• Present references, literature review, further information and previous work or experience of others
Description of the new situation in the company.
• up to 2 pages
• What changes of the existing process the new situation will bring
• What is the new process flow chart
• What differences there will be in employees’ activities.
Justification of change
• 2 to 3 pages
• Analysis showing specific improvements in financial (where appropriate) and/or other terms
• Flowchart showing depicting the new status quo
Implementation plan
• up to 1 page
• (eg Gantt chart or other scheduling/planning technique) with time scales and milestones
• A few comments on the main points of the implementation plan.
Conclusion and recommendation
• up to 1 page
• Must bring together all information presented in the report.
• Must have a clear recommendation for the problem discussed.
• at least 10 references from reputable sources should be used.
• Harvard reference style should be used according to Student Handbook.
• no limit to its size.
• Try not to repeat the same reference more than a couple of times.
Length of chapters is indicative and is possible to vary in order to allow better presentation of the situation presented.
Students are expected to submit:
• Students are expected to electronically submit a copy of their assignment that contains the following chapters:
Front page - Executive summery - Introduction - Description of current situation -Possible improvements/solutions - Proposal of a new procedure or change - Description of the new situation - Justification of change - Implementation plan - Conclusion and recommendation - References – Appendix
All sentences or passages quoted in this coursework from other people's work should be specifically acknowledged by clear cross-referencing to author, work and page(s). Failure to do this amounts to plagiarism and will be considered grounds for failure in this coursework. It is on the instructor’s discretion to contact an oral examination, which will result to the award of the final grade to that particular piece of coursework.