Learning Outcomes assessed
In this assignment, you are required to implement a university library book-loan management system,which is composed of three tiers (web portal, middle layer and database). The functional requirement of the system is as the followings:
The architecture of the assignment needs to be strictly three tiers based. This means web portal is only used for rendering contents, taking inputs from users and feeding back results. The portal is not supposed to handle any business logics (JSP, PHP, Ruby on Rails style portal and things similar will not be accepted and marked). You will need to use javascript+HTML 5+CSS for your web portal development. Necessary third-party libraries are allowed in the implementation.
You should submit a zip package and a source code text file via the links on Blackboard and Turnitin (code source file needs to be submitted via the Turnitin link). Both files should follow the name convention:
Your web portal folder. This folder needs to be directly deployable and runnable on tomcat 7+ servers. Folder that fails to be deployed or run will be regarded as a failure, and you will lose half marks for web portal section.
A war file which can be directly deployed on tomcat 7+ servers. Failure on the deployment will lose you half marks for middle layer sections. You will need to be very careful with the all the libraries that you choose to use. Make sure you pack them up in the war file so when the war is deployed, the tomcat server will not complain about missing libraries.
A report that explains your design, implementation details and any potential problems that you are aware of your development and potential improvement that can be done. Full lists of messages (json syntax) that are exchanged between your Servlet service and portal. Explain how the http protocol is used in your implementation if any
Has basic functions as specified in the requirements. User can do very basic 0-15 operations through the portal. Pages are rendered using HTML only. CSS is not applied appropriately. Key interactions and communication with back end is handled by HTML form only. Implementation contains errors but doesn’t affectbrowsing rendering. Deployable on Tomcat server 7+ Proper JavaScript is used and applied to all key operations/components in the portal. CSS is applied appropriately. Message exchange and handling is performed withoutmajor errors. Layout of portal is properly designed. HTML can pass W3C validator.
Exceptions returned from backend are handled properly using warning messages.
Excellent portal design with easy to use navigations. Authorisation and authentication are handled properly on the portal side. Have used local caching for data that need to be processed by users for better usability. Major PC browsers are supported (Chrome, Firefox, IE, for Internet Explorer, IE8+ is fine), as well as mobile devices browser with no issues.
Basic operations are handled properly using Java Servlet framework. Servlet concept is applied correctly (state and data driven, HTTP verbs are used are used correctly) from the implementation. Deployable on Tomcat server 6+. Can talk to DB and return results to the portal, but with major fault or exceptions. Some libraries required are missing.
No major exceptions or errors or they are handled properly. Transactions are handled correctly with database. Connections to DB are handled properly as well. (open/close). Sessions are implemented well. Use of web server context to exchange information if needed. Can handle all the messages that are passed in from the portal. Authorisation and authentication are implemented on service side.
Service lifecycle is handled well (activities when service is loaded, started, destroyed etc.) if needed. Necessary configures, such as DB connection information, are not hardcoded but are specified in configure file and is loaded into the application context. Concurrent control is implemented and implemented caching mechanism for better service performance