1) You MUST submit your final assignments to Turnitin using the Mozilla Firefox browser in order to avoid potential problems when uploading your work.
2)Read the 2 journal articles above, then choose 1 article only
3)Read through the reference list given at the end of your chosen article and select another journal article from that list. You should now have 2 journal articles to compare and therefore complete the assignment task.
4)Write a comparison essay on your 2 chosen articles
Assignment 2
Write a Reflection piece on your learning experiences i.e. during the Study Skills module and writing the assignments
Follow the structure required
Structure Assignment 1: Comparison
This should be an essay containing an introduction, analysis and conclusion. Present an argument to say how the two articles are similar and / or different; how they connect and /or contrast, on their structure and their main themes. Also, compare the article reference list/bibliography and how the sources are used within the research articles. The essay should only contain the references of the two articles which are being compared - no other references are required in this part. N.B. The essay should not have sub-headings.
Structure Assignment 2: Reflection
Within this section you should identify what you have learnt from the Study Skills module as a whole and also preparing for and writing up your assessments. In addition to these observations you should consider the implications for you as a student and as a future professional. You need to provide evidence of further reading in this section and therefore include between 6 to 10 additional academic references. In this section you can write in the first person using I or me.
Important Points to Remember when Writing your Assignments;
1.Clarity of argument presented in assignment 1; comparison of journal articles
2.Level of sophistication of observations and self-reflection in assignment 2
3.Inclusion of appropriate academic sources to support / evidence through citations for both assignments 1 and 2
Adherence to Lancashire School of Business & Enterprise Referencing Guidance
How to Present your Assignments
1.Each assignment must contain 1000 words
2.You should include a list of your sources, at the end of each of your assignments. These should include ALL references that you have included in your work. Please see Lancashire School of Business & Enterprise Referencing Guidance . N.B. Here is the link to detailed instructions on how to cite journals.
3.In text citations should be made for both quotes, summaries and paraphrasing. Page numbers should be given for quotes and for paraphrasing where the paraphrase is specific enough that page/s can be identified.
4.Assignment 1 should be written in the 3rd person i.e. he/she/it
5.Assignment 2 should be written in the 1st person i.e. me/I
Required Style for Submission
1.Your assignment should be a Word document
2.Standard Margins: 2.54 cm top and bottom and 2.54 left and right
3.Line Spacing: Double line spacing with 6pts after.
4.Font: Arial, 12
5.Page Numbers: shown in footer
6.References: Single line spacing with 6pts after. Straight list, not bulleted or numbered.
7.Please include a word count: the number of words you have written (excluding the list of references) at the end of your work, but before the ‘references’ section.
Please refer to your lecture and seminar materials on BlackBoard and work through the dedicated Homework and Independent Study Activities, and by attending any extra workshops on offer during the term.