Task 1
You are required to submit full written arguments for the attached mooting problem and the ground of appeal by the appellant; these must be word processed.
You should follow the guidance below for information about the preparation of a skeleton argument and the form in which it should be presented.
You should submit in writing the submissions that would have been presented on behalf of the appellant;
Task 2
You are required to present your research strategy, i.e. a brief explanation of your approach to the research – how, why, where. You should be able to explain your lines of inquiry and your use of materials (not simply “I looked for case law and found a case”) in terms of the strategy you employed. For example, you would be able to describe how you went about identifying the issues in your argument and how and why the primary and secondary materials were determined by you to support your ideas. You will be able to describe the contribution made by your research materials, e.g. cases, articles etc., which are referred to in your written legal argument in task one. A full bibliography of sources must be provided. (These materials DO NOT form part of the word count). OSCOLA protocols apply.
Task 3
You are required to submit a written reflection on your production of this assignment. This should:
Guidance on Task 1 & 2
Your written submission for Task 1 must be presented in the form of a skeleton argument.
A skeleton argument is a summary of the main points of your legal argument and includes full and accurate citations for any cases that you use as authority.
Content and Structure
An example of a skeleton argument (Task 1) is available from the Learning Materials in Blackboard (Unit 2) and you should study these materials carefully.