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BCS Accreditation Coursework on Website Security and Electronic Devices

Task 1: Website and Electronic Device Connectivity

Two Individual reports are needed since it's a group work. To ensure satisfy the BCS accreditation's requirements and prevent the danger of plagiarism, my team and I will like to request you to write your report individually outlining your contributions to the group result, evaluating outcomes, etc.

This coursework is to be completed by a group of Two (2) to Three (3) only  One of the most valuable and sought-after skills in the security sector is the ability to provide clearly  written and well-structured reports on your experiments, analyses, and recommendations.  For this reason, this course's deliverable is a report including your findings, results, and answers. This  must be uploaded as a single PDF document.  The labs, tutorials, and any software required are available on Moodle or can be downloaded from the Internet as described. 

Students at the University of Greenwich have decided to set up a website on which to sell their own creations - tablet apps and games software, books they have written and electronic devices  they have built all of which, they believe, have potential as products for new businesses.  Possible investors will be encouraged to make purchases of such products to try out and,  hopefully, to come forward as business backers. The website will have pictures, prices, and  shopping cart facilities with all sales by PayPal or by direct credit card payments. To this end, students have designed an encryption system, with keys derived from the customer's unique  purchase order number to ensure the confidentiality of credit-card data  Please perform the following tasks based on the main scenario.

1. Draw a simple diagram to show the connection between an electronic device and the  website. In this case, the electronic device is accessing the website. Manually assign an IP address and a MAC address to the electronic device. [2 marks] 

2. Assuming that the website is and the electronic device is  your Personal Computer (PC): 

a. Verify the connectivity between the website and electronic device and then  present and explain your results. Please provide some screenshots to support  your results.[2 marks] 

b. Trace the route taken from the electronic device to the website and present your findings with detailed explanations. Please provide some sereenshots to support  your findings.[2 marks] 

c. Apply two threats to the connectivity between the website and electronic device and briefly state how these threats could be mitigated. Please use diagram(s) to  Support your answers.[4 marks] 

Task 2A I1S marksl: In addition to the main scenario, a new electronic device is built by one of the students. The  new electronic device will be used for managing the ordering and delivery of the existing  products. Due to the connectivity nature between electronic devices, cyber-attacks remain a  major concern that can cause disruption in making purchases. In this light. you are required to  carry out the following: 

1. Assess how easy to attack the new electronic device using a tool like Back Orifice (BO).[2 marks] 

2. Using any widely used real-worid threat modelling tool, evaluate the threats BO poses to the students and/or potential investors, and explain how these threats could be mitigated based on your evaluation. Compare your results in this task to Task 1(c) above.[4 marks] 

3. Perfornm a Structured Query Language (SQL) injection attack to bypass the new  electronic device and gain access to any product or service.[3 marks] 

4. Design a network model for the main scenario and run a simulation to assess the risks  associated with the model. Please use the SecuriCAD risk modelling software as your  simulation tool for this ask. [3 marks]

5. Capture any packet associated with the network using a widely used network protocol  analyser (like Wireshark), and then analyse the security of the network Pleaseprovide some sereenshots to show the captured packet and/or support your findings. [3 marks]
