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Marketing Report on University of Wolverhampton

External PESTLE Analysis

Demonstrate an ability to make sense of marketing and customer facing activity

Demonstrate an ability to understand and explain marketing processes

Demonstrate an ability to understand and use conceptual models and theoretical insights to analyse, evaluate, explain and comment on marketing activities

Write a report which evaluates the University of Wolverhampton’s marketing activities and approach. Your report should draw on relevant marketing theory and provide a critical commentary of the organisation and its key findings. Make sure to define key terms used i.e. Marketing Mix, STP etc.  You should ensure you reference your work using Cite them right Harvard.   Click here for guidance on referencing.  

The report should be based on the use of the following analytical techniques:

External PESTLE Analysis (Make sure to include headings for each PESTLE factor: Using the PESTLE framework, conduct an external analysis of sector in which the University operates, highlighting key factors which may be a threat or an opportunity for the organisation going forward. (600 words)

SWOT Analysis: Using the SWOT framework, provide an internal analysis of the organisation’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in successfully meeting the needs and wants of the target consumer segment. Review the implications of your findings for the University. As appropriate, you should summarise the effectiveness of current marketing arrangements and indicate areas for further development.

Marketing Mix Analysis: Using the 7P Marketing Mix framework, detail how marketing tactics could be employed to attract one key consumer segment. Your report should include the discussion and application of theoretical concepts e.g ‘customer segmentation’  approach, identifying one target consumer and the specific needs and wants of that segment. You should clearly apply Kotler’s (1984) DAMP model to your targeting strategy, you must also include a perceptual map for your organisation and its competitors

You should provide evidence of wider reading and market research sources to enhance your work, with clear Harvard referencing throughout. Your market research sources could include: MarketLine, Mintel, BBC. The Guardian, and other credible sources (Do not use Wikipedia, Tutor4U, MBA Skool or UK essays).

Appendices.  You can provide more information on some of the sections above and attach as appendices.

1.SWOT analysis

2.PESTLE analysis

3.7Ps Marketing Mix

The evidence gathered through the application of these analytical techniques on the University should be placed in the appendices with their key findings in your main report. The appendices provide the evidence base in support of the main report.

SWOT Analysis

Elements which are not included in the assessment word count limit are: the title and contents page, models, diagrams, tables, reference list and appendices. The appendices should be clearly numbered and signposted in the main text of the assignment report.


Assessment Criteria (The actual assessment components for this assignment)

Provide evidence of thorough research into relevant theories, drawing on a range of additional academic and market research sources. 20

Demonstrate understanding of key concepts and the implications of them for the organisation.

Apply analytical techniques to the organisation, enabling a critical evaluation of its current marketing activities based on a clear evidence base.

Present a well-structured argument, with clarity of report writing. Good quality of referenced material and referencing style using the Harvard referencing system.

Your module guide and course handbook contain additional and important information regarding;

·The required referencing style for your assignment.*

Whilst many modules require referencing in accordance with the Harvard Referencing convention, some modules – for example those within the School of Law – require Oxford Referencing. Please familiarise yourself with the requirements of your module.

·Submission of your work

·Marking, feedback and moderation in accordance with the University of Wolverhampton Assessment Handbook

·Extensions on submission dates *

·Additional support *

·Academic conduct with regards to cheating, collusion or plagiarism *

·Links to appropriate sources of relevant information *

* Further information regarding these and other policies can be accessed through your student portal on

Always keep a copy of your work and a file of working papers

The requirement to keep a file of working papers is important.  There may be circumstances where it is difficult to arrive at a mark for your work. If this is the case, you may be asked to submit your file and possibly meet with your tutor to answer questions on your submission.  

When you submit your work you will be required to sign an important declaration confirming that:

·The submission is your own work

·Any material you have used has been acknowledged and appropriately referenced

·You have not allowed another student to have access to your work

·The work has not been submitted previously.

The following information is important when:

·Preparing for your assignment

·Checking your work before you submit it

·Interpreting feedback on your work after marking.  

Module Learning Outcomes

Module Learning Outcomes are specific to this module, and are set when the module was validated.

The module Learning Outcomes tested by this assignment, and precise criteria against which your work will be marked are outlined in your assessment brief.

Performance descriptors indicate how marks will be arrived at against each of the assessment criteria. The descriptors indicate the likely characteristics of work that is marked within the percentage bands indicate
