Structured Report on Innovation and SME
Unless very clearly stipulated in your Assignment this structured report will expand on the innovation and SME pitched in your presentation. In this report, you will have the opportunity to build on your ideas and address feedback given in the first assignment. Please see below for a full description of the contents of the report and the formal criteria.
- An executive summary outlining the main findings of the report.
- A clear presentation and definition of the proposed innovative product or service. The value of your idea to both the business and the potential customer should be very clear.
- An in-depth discussion of the innovation and creativity parameters required for the business success of your innovation. For example: the internal and external corporate and industry environment of the innovation proposed, the company resources required, the process development for the innovation, the creative idea evaluation, and the measuring framework for the innovation.
- You should use the related change tools and innovation and creativity models discussed in the module to support and structure your report. You must include at least 2 innovation models in your analysis. Selection of further models/frameworks to support your analysis is up to you and will depend on the context of your specific innovation. We recommend including a total of 6 to 7 models (including the two innovation models required) in your report.
- You should include a discussion of how your innovation could be further developed in the future.
- The report should be no more than 3000 words (excluding references)
- You may use appendices to provide supplementary information (e.g., tables, graphs, financial information and statistics) in support of your discussion. However, appendices should be used sparingly and are not a replacement for efficient communication of your ideas in the main body of your report.
- Please provide a cover page, contents page and an executive summary
- The main body of your report should be structured using appropriate headings.
- The font size should be no smaller the 12pt.
- You must include at least 2 innovation models in your analysis. Selection of further models/frameworks is up to you and will depend on your innovation. We suggest including 6-7 models in total (including the two innovation models required)
- Please cite all sources using Harvard referencing.
- Please upload your report as a Word Doc or PDF before the deadline.
- The report counts for 70% of your mark.
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Format
Report structure according to the workshops and guidance provided, sequence and explanation of points considered.
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Fluency and use of technical language
Correct use of formal, business language and appropriate terminology throughout the business report. Report flows appropriately. Major points of the created product or service are clear.
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Research/Referencing Correct and consistent style of Harvard referencing. Evidence of wider reading with appropriate sources used to support work.
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Content and Explanation
Identification and explanation of the product or service. Major innovation and possible change parameters required and commercial data should be present. The reader should be able to recognise the business value of the created product or service.
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Analysis
Breakdown of the product or service innovation parameters:
Full explanation of the product and/or service supported with relevant business applications as well as current and future innovation trends. The report must include the appropriate innovation and creativity models.