In the video Calculating FTEs and Personnel Costs, we reviewed FTE and salary calculations for the 7a shift. Based upon the information that we have we will be able to calculate the number of productive and nonproductive FTEs required to staff the unit and their annual salaries. You will have an opportunity to practice your newly learned skills by calculating the FTEs and salaries for the 7p shift. Read the following and answer the questions below:
St Elsewhere is preparing to open a 30-bed med/surg unit later this year. The established cost center will be 1001, with a designated internal name “In-Patient.”
Anticipated average daily census (ADC) based on data from comparative units in the hospital will be 24. The staffing will be based on 12 hour shifts and the unit will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The organizational standard for the nurse-to-patient ratio will be 1:6 on the 7a shift and 1:8 on the 7p shift for RN’s, 1:8 on the 7a shift and 1:10 on the 7p shift for patient care assistants (PCA), and 1 unit clerk on the 7a shift and 1 unit clerk on the 7p shift. The organization pays RNs a base rate of $72,800, PCAs $31,200 a year, and unit clerks are paid a base rate of $27,040 a year. Nurse managers are exempt employees. The manager will be paid an annual salary of $81,120. Based on hospital policy and years of service for the anticipated staff, human resources has allotted 1.13 FTEs (90 hours) of nonproductive time for every productive FTE.
Based upon the information that we have we will be able to build the personnel budget for the unit.
1.Calculate the number of productive FTEs and annual salary dollars that will be required to staff the “In-Patient Unit.” Provide data for each skill level and a total productive FTE count for the 7p shift.
a.Calculate FTEs by skill level using the NHPPD methodology.
b.Total productive FTEs for 7p shift.
c.Calculate direct and indirect care FTEs and worked hours for 7p shift
d.Calculate total worked hours by skill level for the 7p shift.
e.Calculate total worked (productive) hours for the 7p shift.
f.Calculate hourly pay rates by skill level.
g.Calculate annual personnel salaries by skill level.
h.Calculate annual direct and indirect salary dollars.
i.Total productive annual salaries for the 7p shift.
2.Based on hospital policy and average years of service, human resources has allotted 1.13 FTEs (90 hrs) per FTE for nonproductive time.
a.How many total FTEs will be budgeted to account for productive and nonproductive time for the annualized budget on the 7p shift?
b.How many nonproductive FTEs will be budgeted for the annual unit on the 7p shift?
c.Based on the nonproductive FTEs, how many nonproductive hours will be reflected on the annual budget for the 7p shift?
3.Combine 7a shift totals and 7p shift totals to complete the Personnel Budget. You may use the table below for a reference to merge the two budgets.