You have to complete a Psychotherapy Case Formulation following these steps:
1. Select a person (either a relative -Not a close one-; a friend-NOT a close one-, or someone who can collaborate with you on this assignment; the case has to be based on a REAL person, not necessarily a patient. It is the responsibility of the student to take care of any “Ethical Issue” related to the selection of the case to work with). You will work with this person “as if he/she would be a patient”. The objective of this activity is to have “hands on”, role playing experience of interacting with a real person as a “psychologist”.
2. Read all the examples I am enclosing in this message (click on the attached links).
3. Visit the web
4. Read ALL the conditions for submitting a proposal to this journal, including the paper:
5. Get the informed consent of the person you will be working with (make sure the name IS NOT evident in the form)
6. Conduct at least 2 sessions (ideal 3-4) of clinical interviews with the purpose of describing the psychological functioning and “subjective” configuration of this person
.Take the anamnesis
.Observe (and apply if necessary) the Mental Status Examination as part of the Clinical Interview
.Apply the Psychic Pain Scale
.Apply the psychotherapy flle
7. Integrate ALL findings into the report
8. Propose a Specific psychotherapeutic plan according to the findings of the case, indicating the strategies and techniques you will use with This Specific Person, as well as the type of psychotherapy you would perform (individual, group, family, other)
9. Write the Report according to the Guidelines for clinical case reports in behavioral clinical Psychology, what we have discussed in class, and any other part to improve the quality of the report (see next slides).
10. Take a picture of the email you are going to send to the journal
11. Send the requirements to the journal, along with the Psychotherapy Case Formulation manuscript
12. Upload the report to BB under assignment Psychotherapy Case Formulation. Make sure you include
.the picture of the email you sent to the Journal,
.All the documents you submitted to the journal.
.The inform consent, but with the name of the person crossed out, so that the confidentiality will be assured