The American Political Science Association make use of a variation of the Chicago Manual of Style citation system. The main concentration is on the formats that are important to the political science, giving proper attention towards the given documents that are produced within the government of United States. The revised 2018 edition of the citation style guide of American Political Science Association is based on the 17th edition of Chicago Manual of Style. Most of the guidelines for citation purposes are derived from the Chicago style. You can also use citation machine tool to create accurate references.
The APSA system relies on the author date system as used in the Chicago style rather than the notes-bibliography system. Under the APSA citation system, the parenthetical references, within the text direct the readers to the list of references. However, the footnotes can also be used in the APSA but with the limited scope. The footnotes may be used to present the short substantive material or to cross reference other sources. The Footnotes shall not be used to cite sources better left for the list of references. Thus, they should be used sparingly.
The APSA style generally follows the Chicago manual of style’s author-date citation practice. It requires the parenthetical references within the text of the paper and the reference lists at the end of the paper. The reference list begins just after the conclusion section of the report. Type the word “References” flush against the left margin. You can also check other useful referencing tools.
The formatting of the APSA references should be done in the following manner:
There are two ways in which in-text citations can be made in American Political Science Association citation style. Both of them are presented below:
Option 1: Using the author name and the year of publication at the end of the sentences in parenthesis.
One Author: (Aspen Institute 2005)
Two Authors: (Thistlewaite and Campbell 1960)
Three Authors: (Imai, King, and Nall 2009)
Four or More Authors: (Corbridge et al. 2004)
Option 2: Citing the year of the research publication just after you have used the author’s name after the direct quote. For example:
Marin and Simmons argue that interdependence generates a “dense network of relations” (1998, 751), while Davis similarly asserts that a “dense network of international institutions” shapes interstate bargaining (2004, 154).
But Keller's (1986) study was completed before widespread use of the Internet.
The book citations under APSA style contains the following elements in the order given below:
Author. Date. Book Title. Publisher City: Publisher Name.
For example:
North, Douglass, John Wallis, and Barry Weingast. 2009. Violence and Social Orders: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Levi, Margaret. 1988.Of Rule and Revenue. Berkeley: University of California Press
The journal article citations include the following elements in the order given below:
Author. Date. “Article Title.” Journal Title Volume (Number): Pages.
For example:
Blondel, Jean, and Nick Manning. 2002. "Do Ministers Do What They Say? Ministerial Unreliability, Collegial and Hierarchical Governments." Political Studies 50: 455-76.
The film or a movie citation can be done using the following elements in the given order:
Director(s). Release Year. Title. Studio.
For citing the online image or other video clip that are easily available online. The URL of video should be added at the end, along with the most rent date accessed. For example:
Watts, Edward. 2015. Escaping ISIS. Frontline. (accessed November 12, 2015).
The website includes online government documents, statistics, reports, and other similar items. The elements and their orders used in the citation is:
Author. Year. “Resource Title.” URL.
The template for citing a blog in APSA style is as follows:
Author. Year. “Resource Title.” URL.
The elements or the template for citing a dictionary entry is as follows:
Author Surname, Author Forename. Year Published. ‘Title’. Publication Title: Pages Used. URL (Date Accessed)
The elements or the template for citing a dictionary entry is as follows:
Author Surname, Author Forename. Year Published. Title. City: Publisher. URL (Date Accessed).
The elements or the template for citing a dictionary entry is as follows:
Author Surname. Author forename. Year Published. Title. City: Publisher.
The elements or the template for citing a dictionary entry is as follows:
Author Surname, Author Forename. Year Published. ‘Title’.
The newspaper article citations are done using the following elements in the order given.
Author. Year. “Article Title.” Newspaper Title Month Day.
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Author. Date. “Article Title”. Journal Title Volume (Number): Pages.
Example- Blondel, Davidson, and John Davis. 2008. “Do Kings Do What They Say? Collegial and Hierarchical Governments.” Political Studies 40: 420-56.
Author. Date. Book Title. Publisher City: Publisher Name.
Example- Richard, Jonathan. 1990. Of Revenue and Rule. London: University of London
Author (s).Date. Title. Place of publication: Publisher.
Example- Doe, John. 1991. Styles of Linguistics. United States of America: Doe Publishers
Author. Date. “Article Title”. Journal Title Volume (Number): Pages.
Example- Jameson, Anna. 2010. “Slow Death of The Torture Norm”. International Relations 43” 655-76. in Electronic...
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