Part A. Research Paper: (20-Points)
The following topics usually will be included in the research paper:Â
Chapter I. Introduction:Â
a) Broad introduction to research topic and method.
b) Research problem. State broadly, in question form. Give sub-questions. Explain carefully. In one sense, usually the problem is to expand the body of knowledge examined in the literature review.
c) Need for the research. Who will benefit? Discuss applied and scientific contributions.
d) Nominal definitions. Define central terms
e) Context. Add further info to clarify the research problem.
Chapter II. Theory and Literature review:
a) Overview. Theoretical foundations.
b) Literature. Group articles by ideas. For a given idea, first discuss common strands in the literature, then departures.
c) Model. Of a process, usually. Based on the lit reviewed.
d) Hypotheses (in broad sense of the term; also called Propositions). For each, give brief restatement of justification tied to earlier sections; explain derivation and implications. Include assumptions. Explicitly state plausible rival hypotheses (explanations of process) of a substantive nature.
e) Scope of the study. Theoretical assumptions; discuss limitations they impose.
Chapter III. Methods:
Outline in a few pages:
a) Introduction. General description of method and design.
b) Design. Experiment, quasi-experiment, survey, and so forth. Detailed description.
c) Study population and sample.
d) Measurement of study variables. Operational definitions.
e) Specify methods used to assess validity and reliability of study data.
Chapter IV. Discussion, Data analysis and testing of hypotheses:
a) Brief overview.
b) Results of application of method; any unusual situations encountered. Nature of sample.
c) Descriptive analysis. One sample t-test, frequencies, mean, median, standard deviation, and path analysis.
d) Discussion of descriptive analysis. Implications.
e) Validity/reliability analysis. Normal Distribution test, Multicollinearity test, Autocorrelation test and Homoscedasticity test.
f) Tests of hypotheses. ANOVAs, crosstabulations, correlations, and such, depending on techniques used; give in same order as hypotheses.
g) Discussion of tests of hypothesis. Implications.
Chapter V. Conclusion:
a) Summary of entire thesis in a few pages.
b) Conclusions. Refer to lit review.
c) Implications. Speculate about broadest possible consequences, both theoretical and practical.
d) Limitations of the Study.
e) Suggestions for future research.
Terms and conditions:
1. Number of words should not exceed 5,000.
2. After finalizing the research, it should be proofread by an expert.Â
3. Before submitting the final copy of the research, it should be formulated into a publishing paper copy to be sent to a journal for publication.
4. The authors of the published copy of the paper will be as following
5. The student must verify the PLAGIARISM through the program TERNITIN.
6. The final date for submitting the research paper is: December 15, 2021.
7. There will be a rehearsal for the presentation of the research defense December 22, 2021.Â
List of Recommended Titles:Â