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A 101 Guide on Sequel Programming Languages

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Data is the new age gold. Tech moguls like Google and Facebook with the greatest number of users have a data directory with information about their users. From birthdays to photos to contacts, messages and even voice-over calls – they use the data to provide a better user experience.

Now how do you think this data is managed? Human executives sitting with a registry is a too-old concept to believe. It is computers and servers known as database systems that keep track of all the data.
The next obvious question would be how to use these systems. This is where Sequel programming language takes the lead role. Although this is a programming language, the coding of the language is a lot simpler than other programming languages like Python, Java etc. In a way, you can say that SEQUEL is closer to human language than the latter ones.

This blog will be your friendly guide to learning about Sequel programming languages in a hassle-free manner. Let’s begin!

An Overview of Sequel Programming Language – What is it?

SEQUEL stands for Structured English Query Language, which is a programming language used to interact with databases. This is the fundamental language that relational database systems employ to carry out all of their operations. SQL is a computer language that enables programmers to manage data. Like any other significant programming language, this coding language supports looping, variables, and logic directives. However, it differs from projects using other programming languages, including C++ or Java.

Programmers refer to SEQUEL as the fourth generation coding language (4GL), whereas languages like Java and C++ are rated as the third generation coding language or 3GL.

In general, different SQL queries are used to create, update, and extract data from databases. Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server Oracle, Access, and Ingres are a few examples of relational database management systems that are widely used and employ SQL statements for database-related operations.

Commands like Create, Select and Insert are used in this programming language. But before we delve into that, let’s address the elephant in the room –

Are SQL and SEQUEL the Same?

Yes, they are the same. Raymond Boyce and Donald Chamberlin, two IBM researchers, created SQL in its initial form. Its original name was SEQUEL. Yet owing to constitutional issues, the abbreviation SEQUEL was eventually altered to SQL because “SEQUEL” was the brand name of an aircraft manufacturer based in the UK called Hawker Siddeley. And that is how SEQUEL became SQL.

The Features of Sequel Programming Language

To understand SQL programming help, you have to comprehend the features that make SQL one of the most powerful database management programming languages.

Let’s have a look at them one by one.

  • Relational Foundation

Relational databases are the principal use for SQL. The relational database’s tabular form makes SQL simple to learn and use. The plus point is that it offers a straightforward user interface.

  • High Performance

The retrieval of a vast volume of data happens swiftly and effectively in SQL. Moreover, straightforward tasks like inserting, removing, and altering data can also be completed quickly.

  • Scalability

Because the SQL database is vertically scalable, you may add additional RAM, SSDs, or CPUs to a single server to increase the demand.

  • Security and authentication

A number of security-enabling technologies are built into SQL Server, including SSL/TLS-encrypted communication, the Windows Data Protection API for encrypting data while it is in transit, and authentication and permission.
SQL offers authentication in two modes – windows authentication and mixed mode.

  • Vendor independence

As all of the main DBMS suppliers offer SQL support, no additional DBMS product has experienced significant growth during the past ten years.

  • Portability

SQL-based database products, including mainframes, PCs, workstations, etc., support many platforms.

  • English like structure

Due to the fact that it uses English-like verbs like create, select, delete, and update, SQL is straightforward and simple to understand.

  • Dynamic

It is possible to update and expand a database’s structure dynamically even while users are viewing database content, which is one of SQL’s key advantages over other static databases.

  • Client-server architecture

SQL implementation is a natural fit for distributed client/server systems applications.

Using Structured Query Language – A Guide

SQL like any other programming language has its own markup. This makes it important for the programmers to have an extended knowledge of SQL and markup including the concept of tables.

In essence, a database is represented as the total number of tables. Each table will represent a set of data and have a unique number of columns as well as rows. You can add more tables to a database, and each table lets you store a ton of information.

You should use SQL commands if you wish to make any modifications to the dataset or the tables that are present in the database. Let’s examine the set of SQL language components and operations. Statements in SQL typically start with keywords or commands and terminate with a semicolon.

SQL Language ElementsDescription
KEYWORDSThese are the words used to perform the different sets of operations in the database.
Example – JOIN
IDENTIFIERSIdentifiers present the name of objects in a database. Example – Columns and Indexes
EXPRESSIONSExpressions refer to a string of symbols that is used to perform all kinds of math-related operations on the data.
SEARCH CONDITIONSSearch conditions are used to select any subset of the rows from within the table.
DATA TYPESAs the name suggests, this refers to the type of data stored in the table.

Here are some of the most important SQL commands

SELECT – extracts data from a database
UPDATE – updates data in a database
DELETE – deletes data from a database
INSERT INTO – inserts new data into a database
CREATE DATABASE – creates a new database
ALTER DATABASE – modifies a database
CREATE TABLE – creates a new table
ALTER TABLE – modifies a table
DROP TABLE – deletes a table
CREATE INDEX – creates an index (search key)
DROP INDEX – deletes an index

The Basic Functions in SQL

Creating Database

This is used in creating a new database.
Here is the syntax –
CREATE DATABASE databasename;
Drop Database
This is used to drop (delete) an existing database.
Here is the syntax –
DROP DATABASE database name;
Backup Database
This is used in SQL servers to completely back up an existing database.
The syntax is as follows –
BACKUP DATABASE databasename
TO DISK = ‘file path’;
Create Table
This statement is used to create a table in a new database.
Here is the syntax –
CREATE TABLE table_name (
    column1 datatype,
    column2 datatype,
    column3 datatype,
Drop Table
This statement is used to delete or drop an existing table within a database.
DROP TABLE table_name;
Alter Table
Alter table includes a list of functions as follows –
Add Column
This is used to add a column to a table.
The syntax is – ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD column_name datatype;
Drop Column
This is used to delete or drop an existing column from an existing table.
The syntax is –
ALTER TABLE table_name
DROP COLUMN column_name;
Rename Column
This is used to change the name of a particular column in a particular table.
The syntax is –
ALTER TABLE table_name
RENAME COLUMN old_name to new_name;

An Example of Basic SQL Query

Let’s look into the table ‘films’ – a SQL table holding data of 10 movies.

S. noTitleRelease yearBudgetGrossIMDB score
1The Godfather197260000001348219529.2
2The Dark Knight20081850000005333160619
3The Godfather: Part II197413000000573000009
4Schindler’s List199322000000960671798.9
5Pulp Fiction199480000001079300008.9
6The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King2003940000003770192528.9
7Fight Club199963000000370233958.8
9Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back1980180000002901587518.8
10The Shawshank Redemption199425000000283414699.3


You can select the fields from the database table that you want to see using the SELECT command. Suppose you need the “title” field.
The FROM keyword or command identifies the precise database table from which you want to retrieve data. Keep in mind that a database may have numerous tables.
Syntax: SELECT column1, column2, … FROM table_name;
SQL query: SELECT title FROM films;
Output –

1The Godfather
2The Dark Knight
3The Godfather: Part II
4Schindler’s List
5Pulp Fiction
6The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
7Fight Club
9Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back
10The Shawshank Redemption

You can use the ‘WHERE’ clause to extract only those records that fulfil a specified condition.
Syntax: SELECT column1, column2, … FROM table_name WHERE condition; 
SQL query: SELECT title, release_year FROM films WHERE release_year = 2010;


TitleRelease year

Arithmetic in SQL
You can perform simple arithmetic in SQL using the mathematical symbols: +, -, *, and/. However, you can only perform operations across columns using these arithmetic symbols. You can also use parentheses to manage the order of operations.
Let’s see how to calculate the profit made by the films from the given table.
SQL query: SELECT title, (gross – budget) AS movie profit FROM films


TitleMovie profit
1The Godfather128821952
2The Dark Knight348316061
3The Godfather: Part II44300000
4Schindler’s List74067179
5Pulp Fiction99930000
6The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King283019252
7Fight Club-25976605
9Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back272158751
10The Shawshank Redemption3341469

The Benefits of SEQUEL Programming Language

1. Commonality
The English-like language used for coding is the greatest benefit of SEQUEL language. Due to this, the language can be used in several IT systems and can be clubbed with other languages as well. This is a huge advantage for beginners in the field. It contributes to the ease of application and makes sure better efficiency of a business.
2. Simplicity
Again, the coding language is so simple, and the commands are so easy to use that it helps the programmer remember the codes and the commands. Besides, this contributes to better and easier learning for the programmers.
3. Integration
Further more advantageous is SQL’s simplicity of integration with some other programming languages. It integrates with both Python and R the best. Using the integration function makes database management and data manipulation easier.
4. Speed
SQL has the capability to operate at a highspeed interface. This adds a professional edge to the coding language and increases the quantity of data retrieval.

At this point, you are very well aware of SEQUEL as a programming language. Often, programmers suggest that C Sharp and SEQUEL are similar. Let’s see how similar they are –

  • C# and SQL are both open Source. After installation, you can utilise the software and launch programs.
  • The International Standards Organization has certified both C# and SQL (ISO).
  • SQL and C# code are both portable.
  • There are millions of developers who utilise SQL and C#. As a result, developers may find excellent forums and community resources for both of these languages.

Both the languages have some strong points of differences as well. They are –

  • While other programming languages are employed primarily in database management systems, C# is a general-purpose language.
  • A language for object-oriented programming is C#. Declarative programming languages are those for sequels.
    The primary goal of C# is software development. The management of data and the retrieval of data from databases are
  • The primary goals of SQL programming languages.
    Most software programs’ back ends are developed in C#. Relational databases employ SQL to create, modify, and manage data.

We hope this concise guide was helpful. We have also answered a few of the most common queries we get from students. Read on to get your doubts cleared.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

1. What is the most widely used SEQUEL programming language?

Structured Query Language or SQL is the most commonly used sequel programming language. This is because of its extended features –

  • Relational Foundation
  • High Performance
  • Scalability
  • Security and authentication
  • Vendor independence
  • Portability
  • English like structure
  • Dynamic
  • Client-server architecture

2.What are some common operations performed using sequel programming languages?

The common operations that are performed using sequel programming language are –

  • Arithmetic operations
  • Bitwise operations
  • Comparison operators
  • Compound operators
  • Logic operators
  • String operators

3.What are some advantages of using sequel programming languages?

Some of the advantages of using sequel programming language –

  • Commonality
  • Simplicity
  • Integration
  • Speed

4.What are some disadvantages of using sequel programming language?

Some of the disadvantages of using the sequel programming language

  • Complex Interface
  • Cost
  • Partial Control

5.Can sequel programming be used for non-relational databases?

Sequel programming can be used for relational databases only. To use in a non-relational database, you can use NoSQL.

6.Are there different versions of sequel programming languages?

There are five editions of SQL Server: Standard, Web, Enterprise, Developer, and Express.

7.Can sequel programming languages be used with big data technologies?

Yes, SQL programming can be used with big data, but only the advanced versions of the same are capable of doing so.

Hi, I am Mark, a Literature writer by profession. Fueled by a lifelong passion for Literature, story, and creative expression, I went on to get a PhD in creative writing. Over all these years, my passion has helped me manage a publication of my write ups in prominent websites and e-magazines. I have also been working part-time as a writing expert for for 5+ years now. It’s fun to guide students on academic write ups and bag those top grades like a pro. Apart from my professional life, I am a big-time foodie and travel enthusiast in my personal life. So, when I am not working, I am probably travelling places to try regional delicacies and sharing my experiences with people through my blog. 

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