The following is a list of concepts, definitions, and artists to consider when studying for the final exam. The exam will mainly cover: 1) Chapters 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11 of ROSENBLUM, NAOMI. A World History of Photography. 2) BARTHES, Roland. Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography (New York: Hill & Wang, 1981). (YES, the whole book). 3) Concepts, images, and issues exclusively addressed in lecture. While many questions will be based on concepts, facts and images included in your readings, it is expected that you attended lecture and took notes regularly. The midterm will include matters exclusively discussed in class to reinforce your skills. Remember that class lectures are an extension of what you learn from completing your required weekly readings. Your performance in the exam will be severely affected if you missed classes constantly over the last weeks. Understand the different ways of approaching and understanding the further uses of photography during and after the First and Second World War in the 20th century. Understand the different uses and media employed in the production of photographs in the periods covered until now in the course. Identify, describe and demonstrate knowledge over the differences and similarities between photographic typologies such as documentary photography, photo-journalism, war reportage, fashion photography, commercial and art photography, amongst others.Identify and understand the different semiotic approaches to photographic meaning by Roland Barthes. Collage. Exposure. Halftone. Hand Camera. Photomontage. Solarization. Dry-Plate. Chronophotograph. Rayographs. Snapshot. Close-Up. Photojournalism. Documentary Photography Denotation & ConnotationDepiction & Detection. Decisive Moment. Brownie Camera. Leica Camera. Vortograph Speed-Graphics Camera. AND… Main concepts explored by Roland Barthes in Camera Lucida. The following list includes names of artists and artworks you should be familiar with in order to succeed in the exam. You should consider the most important facts of the selected works, the way they are mentioned in your textbook or how they were referenced in class. The exam will not include all of these artists, but be prepared to find in your exam questions regarding ANY of the artists mentioned below: 1. WILLIAM ENGLAND. Niagara Suspension Bridge,