1)Using the narrative below, draft the Use Case Diagram.
Note: Use only the details given in the narrative.
There are different types of loans – Car Loan, Mortgage, and Line of Credit – the payment can be directed to any of those loan types. A person can make a payment against loans using an ATM or online services. The clerk in the bank may also process a payment against any of the loan types if requested by the client/person.
The person through online services or the clerk at the bank, both can cancel and modify the amount of funds from the Line of Credit or Debit A/C to either the Mortgage or the Car Loan.
Either at an ATM or in person with the clerk in the bank, a person can withdraw money from the Line of Credit, and from debit account. However, the system will first check whether there are sufficient funds in the Line of Credit and debit account to allow the withdrawal.
2) Given the narrative below, draft the System Sequence Diagram.
A company named as ABC Inc. is involved in providing temporary workers to other companies i.e. Nestle, Coke, Nelson (clients) who need workers for short periods of time. ABC Inc. has developed a very high tech software called ‘Temp Emp Hunt’. When a client wants to hire a temporary worker, they log into the system, provide the details of the type of worker required (example a plumber, carpenter, welder etc), the duration of time required and the start-end date. The system should return a list of available temporary employees. At that point, the client can issue a request to confirm the hiring of specific individuals by name and ID # issued by ABC Inc.
As Michael is the in-charge and chief operating officer, so he should be able to access this system anytime to monitor and manage the further requests and queries regarding worker’s contract.
3) Given the Class Diagram below, draft the Data Base Schema using both the ODL and the Relational Data Base schema approaches.
Note: Consider that navigation can go from the CUSTOMER to the LOAN and from the LOAN to the CUSTOMER. Indicate Primary keys with the caption PK, and Foreign Keys with the caption FK. Moreover, also mention the cardinality to identify the relationship type.