Identify the type of learning each of your learning objectives addresses in your trainingprogram. For example, is your goal to provide participants with Knowledge (Cognitive),Skills (Psychomotor), or to change Attitudes/ create emotion/ change in thinking(Affective). OR, are you wanting some objectives to achieve several types of learningwithin Bloom’s Domains? Justify your response.HRES2401 Employee Learning and Development
Learning Activities
? For EACH of your learning objectives, create one learning activity that will helpparticipants achieve the objective (Ch 6). This is where you must explore methods toget the participants of your training program involved with the content. It is important tovary the types of activities you use when teaching content as participants havedifferent learning preferences.
As you create your learning activities, refer back to the VARK model and Kolb’slearning preferences, and the type of activities you might want to include. Provide athorough, detailed description of each activity and identify which learning preference(from the VARK and/ or Kolb’s Model) each activity will address. Justify yourresponse by explaining how you addressed the learning preference you identified foreach activity.
o For example, do not simply identify a group discussion or personal reflection asone of your learning activities. If you identify group discussion or personalreflection, you will need to explain the activity in detail, including instructions(yes…you will actually need to create your activity) along with the learningpreference it will support (VARK and/ or Kolb’s Model). Explain your activity asif I am one of the participants and you are providing a handout with detailedinstructions including why you feel the activity will enhance the learning involvedin achieving the objective. Do this for each activity you identify.
? Once your training program has ended, is will be important for your group to evaluateits effectiveness. What type of questions would you need to ask? Would yourevaluation take place at the end of the program (summative evaluation) or would youincorporate some type of evaluation prior to and/ or during your program (formativeevaluation)? Justify your response and provide specific examples.
? Address Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation (p. 240-252) and identify whichlevel (s) of evaluation you would use. Justify your response.
? How would you obtain the information you need for your evaluation (e.g. interviews,focus groups, questionnaire, tests, demonstrations, etc.)? Identify several methodsyou would use and justify your responses. Why have you chosen these methods?What might the advantages and disadvantages be of each method you’ve chosen?
Evaluation form
? Create an evaluation form you would like to give participants at the end of yourtraining program. Your evaluation form must illustrate Kirkpatrick’s first twolevels of evaluation.<