Read the attached article on food insecurity and the related infographic and answer the questions below. Answers should be expressed in full sentences and in your own words.
Directly Stated Questions
1. According to 2017/2018 data given in the infographic, how many households experienced food insecurity? (1 mark)
2. With respect to food security, which is the safest province to live in? (1 mark)
3. The author of the infographic has used different types of infographics. Identify the TWO main types used and explain why they are the main ones (3marks).
Indirectly Stated Questions
Each answer in this section should be answered in a short, well-supported paragraph of five to six sentences.
1. Based on the information from the infographic, which type of household is more likely to own a house and why? Explain your thinking in a short paragraph of about five to six sentences, citing evidence from the infographic and your experience or your prior knowledge. (2 marks)
2. Based on what you have learned from the article and your experience or prior knowledge, explain how food insecurity can hinder the growth of a country’s economy? Your thinking should be expressed in a short paragraph of five to six sentences.( 3marks)
Making Connections Question
Both the article and the infographic mention one area of Canada that is the most severely affected by food insecurity. Which is this province or territory? From your experience, prior knowledge and what you have learned from the readings, what are the TWO main causes of food insecurity in this area? Explain in a paragraph of 8 to 11 sentences. Make sure your two points (reasons/causes) do not overlap.