• Choose ONE of the following ethnographic articles, and conduct a case study analysis using at least TWO other academic sources. Only ONE of these sources may come from assigned course materials (including the textbook, and other assigned articles).
o Bourgois, Philippe. 1998. “Just another night in a shooting gallery.” Theory, Culture, & Society 15(2): 37-66.
o Scheper-Hughes, Nancy. 1985. “Culture, scarcity, and maternal thinking: Maternal detachment and Infant Survival in a Brazilian Shantytown.” Ethos 13(4): 291-317.
o Snipes, Shendra A., Sharon P. Cooper, and Eva M. Shipp. 2017. “‘The only thing I wish I could change is that they treat us like people and not like animals’: Injury and discrimination among Latino Farmworkers.” Journal of Agromedicine 22(1): 36-46.
• This analysis must include:
1.) Introduction and Background/contextual information about the case study you choose, this should be 1-2 paragraphs. Who are the participants and the researcher; what is the research about; where does the research take place; when does the research take place; and why is the research important?
2.) Thesis statement at the end of your introductory paragraph in the format of: I argue that (the case study) is related to (unit A) and (unit B) because (evidence).
3.) A review of the research methods used in the article you've chosen for the case study, 1 paragraph.
4.) Analysis and connections to at least TWO course units (NOT including week 1 or 2), using TWO academic sources (peer-reviewed research articles are preferred). At least ONE these two sources must be an external source (i.e. not assigned course materials including the textbook, and other assigned articles), but you can use as many sources as you wish. You can take this analysis in any direction you wish, as long as connections are made between the case study and your chosen units.
5.) End your assignment with a brief conclusion of your case study analysis.