The purpose of this project is to give you the opportunity to build something creative that shows your ability to implement a design that follows the fundamental concepts you learned in this course. All projects are individual work.
The topic of your project is up to you. Although there is a single deadline, the steps in pursuing the project are outlined below.
Step 1: Preliminary Analysis
Modes 1-4 (textbook) describe the steps in the preliminary analysis. Show your analysis work in an appendix.
Step 2: Preliminary design
Mode 5 (textbook) describes the steps in developing a preliminary design. You are not physically making anything yet. This stage consists of design sketches.
Step 3: Literature Review
After you have a concept for something to make you will need to find out what others have already done. This step is where you conduct your own research to identify what exists that is similar to what you want to do and to explain how your solution, or adapted solution, is different in some way.
Step 4: Final Design
Using sketching as your key technique, you will develop multiple designs that address the users' needs and the features of what you made. The information about user and context come from step 1. In this step you will also explain how your design matches the user and context. Note that the process