(1) Summary Paragraph INSTRUCTIONS Please read the following article “COVID-19’s Ultimate Impact on Online Learning: The Good and the Bad” and summarize the article IN ONE PARAGRAPH ONLY USING YOUR OWN WORDS. I have attached the article down below. https://campustechnology.com/articles/2020/04/30/covid19s-ultimate-impact-on-online-learning-the-good-and-the-bad.aspx Your Summary Paragraph (approx. 200-250 words DOUBLE-SPACED, a little is okay, but avoid going over.) If you go OVER the word count you will lose marks and if you go UNDER the word count you will also lose marks. So you must figure out what’s the main idea, thesis and etc.. Make sure to include first sentence in the precise format (example is provided below). Also use reporting verbs, transitions, ect.) APA- style references for the original source your summarize - after your one paragraph (separate page from your summary paragraph) Your assignment will be checked with plagiarism detection software.E USE YOUR OWN WORDS) In TOTAL you are submitting TWO (2) pages ONE (1) SUMMARY PARAGRAPH + ONE (1) APA REFERENCE = 1 + 1 = 2 Pages (2) Discussion Board Assignment INSTRUCTIONS Please read the description below and answer the questions. This is a free style writing, write whatever comes to mind. Google the term “rhetorical situation” and click on the Images tab. Explore the various search results. Review at least five and then answer this question in complete sentence: What common elements (e.g., purpose, etc.) do the various images of rhetorical situations share? Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f61SPxeIEgU&feature=youtu.be and then answer the questions below. Writing an academic summary ( a summary for school is one type of rhetorical situation. Here is an description of the rhetorical situation for an academic summary: For an academic summary, the primary audience is your instructor and the primary purpose is to demonstrate your comprehension of the main ideas of a given text. What the audience will do with the summarized information is assess your summary skills and to maintain a positive working relationship with your professor. Therefore, demonstrating professionalism by following the instructions of the assignment closely is important. You are tasked with reporting someone’s else’s ideas, so you must not include your own. Also, direct copying or quoting is unacceptable; instead, you need to paraphrase to communicate your understanding of the ideas. Finally, crediting the original source is important to academic integrity, and following the conventions of APA documentation style demonstrates digital fluency and attention to detail. Your task: Using the above description as an example, describe a rhetorical situation for a non-academic summary of your choice (spoken or written). Think of a different situation, beyond school where people summarize information. (For example, this could be a situation at work, at a party, on social media, in advertisements, etc. One of these could be a starting point; visualize something a little more specific, and follow the sample description above, as applicable to your own summary situation.) What is at least one key difference from writing an academic summary that would be applied to producing this type of summary?