Choose an aspect of intercultural communication that you would like to write about in the context of the country you have been assigned. You could choose to highlight something positive in that country or cover an interesting cultural practice that would entice people to visit it. Your essay will have to include at least two credible sources, which need to be properly cited in your essay. You will need to give a reference list with your sources. Your essay will include the following sections, without headings:
1. Essay title followed by your name
2. Introduction
3. Discussion
4. Conclusion
5. Reference list
Your essay will need to be:
1. Approximately a
2. Double spaced
3. 12 font Calibri (Body)
4. Page numbered on the bottom left
5. APA formatted (in-text citations and reference list)
6. Supported by at least 2 credible sources from the library
Resources: Please visit the APA style guide on eLearn (also see link below) for tips on how to use in-text citations and create reference lists. We will walk through some of these tips in class.