In this assignment, you will create a simple implementation of an Auto Park Inventory. You must implement the following five classes with the defined functionalities: Sedan Class: Must store the make (a String), model (a String), color (a String), year (an int) and price (a double in CAD). The class must have a five-argument constructor that accepts an input parameter for each of these values in the same order they are listed above (make, model, color, year, price). The class must have a toString method that returns a string indicating the object is a sedan along with the object’s properties. Two examples of what the toString method could return are included below: white Ford Model-1 Sedan (2015), costs $20000.0 gray Toyota Model-2 Sedan (2010), costs $10000.0 SUV Class: Must store the make (a String), model (a String), color (a String), year (an int), price (a double in CAD) and isfourWD (a boolean, with true meaning SUV is four wheel drive and false meaning not). The class must have a six-argument constructor that accepts an input parameter for each of these values in the same order they are listed above (make, model, color, year, price, fourWD). The class must have a toString method that returns a string indicating the object is Page 2 of 5 a SUV along with the object’s properties. Two examples of what the toString method could return are included below: white Ford Model-1 SUV (2015), costs $20000.0 4WD Red Honda Model-3 SUV (2017), costs $45000.0 Truck Class: Must store the make (a String), model (a String), year (an int), price (a double in CAD), isheavyDuty (a boolean, with true meaning truck is for heavy duty and false meaning not) and carries (a String). The class must have a six-argument constructor that accepts an input parameter for each of these values in the same order they are listed above (make, model, year, price, isheavyDuty, carries). The class must have a toString method that returns a string indicating the object is a truck along with the object’s properties. Two examples of what the toString method could return are included below: Toyota Model-2 Truck (2012) carries equipment, costs $15000.0 GMC Model-3 heavy duty Truck (2017) carries goods, costs $45000.0 Van Class: Must store the make (a String), model (a String), year (an int), price (a double in CAD), isCovered (a boolean, with true meaning van is covered and false meaning not covered) and carries (a String). The class must have a six-argument constructor that accepts an input parameter for each of these values in the same order they are listed above (make, model, year, price, isCovered, carries). The class must have a toString method that returns a string indicating the object is a van along with the object’s properties. Two examples of what the toString method could return are included below: Dodge Model-2 Van (2010) carries equipment, costs $15000.0 Honda Model-3 covered Van (2017) carries people, costs $25000.0 Tire Class: Must store the wheelDiameter (an int), sectionWidth (an int), price (a double in CAD), and isPassengerTire (a boolean, with true meaning it is a passenger tire and false meaning not). The class must have a four-argument constructor that accepts an input parameter for each of these values in the same order they are listed above (wheelDiameter, sectionWidth, price, isPassengerTire). The class must have a toString method that returns a string indicating the object is a tire along with the object’s properties. Two examples of what the toString method could return are included below: Passenger tire with 12 in. wheel diameter 35 mm. section width, costs $400.0 Tire with 8 in. wheel diameter 45 mm. section width, costs $350.0