a) Read and examine the case Dirty Pools thoroughly and answer the questions below. 1. Refer to the Needs Analysis Process on page 82 and the three levels of a needs analysis on pages 86 to 95. Explain what are some outcomes that might result from a needs analysis for the three levels of Dirty Pools? 2. What off-the-job (p.151) training methods will be appropriate and effective ways to train pool operators and their employees? Explain your answer. b) Upload your assignment on Moodie not later than 11:00 am, Thursday, March 4th. 1 will not accept any late assignments. c) The Assignment counts 10% percent of your final mark. d) Your answer must be comprehensive, thoughtful, and reflect how the concepts will affect current/future performance or application. 2. Notes on the Format of Your Assignment: a) Put your name and student number in the assignment's header. b) Maximum 4 pages. c) Use a 12-point font with "1" margins. d) Use 1.5 line spacing. e) Answer each question on a separate page. f) I will deduct marks for poor grammar, spelling and formatting. 3. Case Study Matrix Score Description 9/10 Demonstrates exceptional understanding of the material. All requirements are met, and some are exceeded.
7/8 Demonstrates consistent understanding of the material. All requirements are met. 5/6 Demonstrates partial understanding of the material. Some requirements are met. I to 4 Demonstrates minimal understanding of the material. Few requirements are met. 0 No response: Case study not complete.