(a) Of the four variables listed above, which are continuous, which are discrete and which are categorical?
(b) Outline the key statistics for the total_cases_per_millionvariable, by using the descriptive statistics function in Data Analysis in Excel. Briefly describe the variable by referring to 3 or 4 of the statistics presented in the table.
(c) What is the point estimate for the sample average of the total_cases_per_millionvariable? Construct the 90% confidence interval around this estimate (5 marks)
(d) Interpret the confidence interval calculated in (c)?
(e) What would the confidence interval be if the confidence level was set at 95%? Explain intuitively why the confidence interval changes like it does?
(f) As richer countries might have the resources to provide better care, you think that country income might play a role in determining the number of deaths per million. Using the Death_rate_groupand the Income_group variables, create a pivot table to explore this hypothesis. Express your results in the best way to explore your hypothesis
(g) Do the results in the table you have constructed support your hypothesis? Discuss why or why not?