Investigate 3 specific and recent viruses/worms, software exploits, or malware packages
(a total of 3, not three of each – they may be from the same category, or multiple).
These should be threats in the last ~6 years (if in doubt, ask your professor if your topic chosen is recent enough).
Note also the “specific” – for example, you should not just write about “ransomware” or similar, but research the details about a specific/notable example of it.
For each summarize:
1. a brief description of the threat — when did it happen / get discovered, how did it work / what it affected
2. the impact that it had
3. and what approach or approaches are/where effective at mitigating that threat.
Rough length guidelines would be half a page to a page double spaced per threat discussed – however quality of the information more than quantity is key.