Blackjack is a popular card game. The objective of the game is to draw cards and obtain the highest total not exceeding 21.
50% - The program runs and meets the game requirements
25% - The code is organized; reusable components exist, no duplicated code
15% - Readability, naming, overall quality, respects PEP-8
10% - Creativity
All submissions must be original and copying code from the Internet will be an automatic zero. I run all assignments through MOSS for plagiarism detection. The Internet can be a great resource but submitting someone else's work as your own is against academic integrity. If you feel stuck on an assignment - please post on the Discussion Board or email me instead. I will help to ensure you understand what to do.
All graded evaluations (i.e., projects, assignments, tests, exams, etc.) must be completed according to the schedule of dates specified by the instructor. Requests to submit work after the due date must be made no later than 24 hours before the due date, and must be accompanied by a valid reason that is acceptable to the instructor. Late assignments that have not received prior approval by the instructor will receive a grade deduction of 10% per business day. Students will be allowed to write a missed quiz/exam/test if they are able to provide the instructor with a valid and acceptable reason for their absence.
The course grading policy is available here: Evaluation Plan & Grading Policy
Below is an example of the game flow, but you are free to develop your own interface and formatting. The objective is to meet the outlined requirements, but there is no limit to creativity.