Question 1:The aim of this questionis designing a chronometer that can work both forward and reverse and shows different portions of the time. In this assignment, it is expected that students use different concepts that they have learned so far, particularlywriting condition blocksand drawing texts in the canvas. This assignment is coming with a video guidance. Depends on the portion of each part that students answer, they will get mark. This assignment consists of 3majorparts:
1) Building chronometer working forward and reverse,
2) Showing the chronometer moving around the mouse pointer 3) Resting the chronometer 1)Building chronometer working forward and reverseIn order to build a chronometer, we have to first build 1/60 (s) time counter. By default, when the code is run, the chronometer should count forward every 1/60 of second. When a mouse key is pressed, the chronometer will start counting reverse. The chronometer style is: HH:MM:SS:CC;where HH,MM,SS and CC show 2 digits hours, minutes, seconds and 1/60 seconds respectively.When the chronometer is counting reverselyand reaches zero, it should not be negative. It means that when the chronometer is reduced to get negative values, its value should be stoppedon zero.
ASSIGNMENT 3: Two sided (forward and reverse) chronomete: Introduction to Computer Science:The code should be able to adjust its distance from the center of the mouse pointer in a way that even the width of CC, SSand MM text may increase, it moves in a circular way with a constant radius.In the order words, the code mustkeep a constant distance between thecenter of thetext and thelocation of themouse pointer. This distance is the circle radiusaround the mouse pointer.
3) Resting the chronometerWhen any key is pressed on the keyboard, the chronometer should be stoppedand figure below should be shown up on the canvas.The background colour of the canvas, fontand the size of the text is optional. When a key is pressed on the mouse,the chronometershould be shownup on the canvas again and starts working for