The research compares the predictors and the levels of maltreated older adolescents' resilience in "foster care" with mainly the community and residential “maltreated adolescents”. The study has identified that "resilience" was computed by the "California Healthy Kids Survey" Resilience subscale that defines the notion in the existence of both external and internal resources that entitle healthy development. Moreover, the three youngsters groups reported comparatively high resilience of every three forms: general, internal, and external. The resilience predictors examined in the research were placement type, gender, age group, rejection as well as acceptance by father and mother, and also control and autonomy by parents. Merely certain variables contributed towards the resilience of youngsters, each of them conclusively; being older, being a woman or girl, and being embraced by a parent or by a father. In addition, the research has some specific practical insinuation: the perception of adolescents themselves as strong as well as possessing essential resources can be utilized in intercession aimed at supporting them to cope with problems that come from the maltreatment (Davidson-Arad & Navaro-Bitton, 2015). Also, the other implication is that parental acceptance is an important role, specifically parental acceptance, mainly in the child and young adult resilience could be utilized in the service or work with the biological as well as foster guardians of maltreated youths. Research among adolescents and children living their life under unfavourable circumstances offer great many resilience definitions. This study examines that some define this as a personal attribute, ability and skill, and quality that entitles the youths to prosper and to survive beneath hardships, problems, challenges, and also stress. The main findings of this study on "gender" are compatible with the researchers, who comparably observed that "girls had large resilience compared to boys". The distinction may come from the "social legitimacy" provided to "girls" to be supported by social services and resources (Yoon et al. 2018). The increasing older adolescents' resilience may arise from both and either of two main provenances; first is maturity and second is the prospect that older youths had obtained professional intercessions, whether in the placement community and home, for a prolonged time compared to younger peers.
Davidson-Arad, B., & Navaro-Bitton, I. (2015). Resilience among adolescents in foster care. Children and Youth Services Review, 59, 63-70.
Yoon, S., Pei, F., Wang, X., Yoon, D., Lee, G., McCarthy, K. S., & Schoppe-Sullivan, S. J. (2018). Vulnerability or resilience to early substance use among adolescents at risk: The roles of maltreatment and father involvement. Child abuse & neglect, 86, 206-216.