1. Vocabulary identification and Understanding
Select Five of the following vocabulary terms. For each:
a. provide a definition and/or explain the meaning
b. provide an example from a course text, reading, or lesson
2. Media Analysis – Print Advert
Write a 300–500-word analysis of the below advert. In your analysis:
Describe the advert:
Analyze the purpose of the advert:
Who is the target audience of the advert? Explain how you know.
What is the message of the advert? In other words, what do the advert’s creators want the target audience to believe about the product? Does it show any stereotypes?
Analyze the techniques the advert’s creators used:
What techniques do the advert creators’ use to convince us of their message. Explain how they help support the message Can you identify the use of Logos, Pathos,or Ethos
3 Essay Question
In a structured essay response containing an introduction, thesis statement, body with evidence, and conclusion, please discuss at least Two texts from the course. These texts can be poems, short story excerpts, films, media, novels, or theoretical readings. Write 1000 words
Your essay response must effectively synthesize and analyze the two texts in relation to each other. This means you might discuss their similarities in relation to the topic of the question, or their differences, or both. You may discuss each text individually (write about one, then the other), but your argument should somehow connect to the two works in a larger context.
Your essay must have a clear THESIS, and you must use concrete evidence from the texts (paraphrase, quotes, characters, settings, terms, plot, etc.) to prove it.
Option 1: In this course, we have studied a number of literary theories (post-colonialism, feminism, Marxism, archetypes, Freudian/Psychoanalytical), all of which have acted as “lenses” through which can read and understand texts. Select ONE literary theory and explain how TWO works we have studied can be “read” through this lens. How do these texts demonstrate specific elements of this literary theory?
Option 2: Consider the portrayal of gender in two works in this course. How are male and female characters portrayed? How does the work portray their roles in society? How does gender influence the choices that are available to the characters and the decisions that they make? Explore how gender affects the plot and character development.
Option 3: Identify a specific theme that was developed in two works we have studied in this course. What was this theme, how as it developed? Was it linked to any motifs? How did this development differ in the two texts?
Option 4: Evaluate the extent to which a character`s external conflict contributes to his/her inner conflict in a work studied? You may refer to only one text in this answer.
Option 5: Consider the portrayal of family and family relations in two works we have studied in this course. How was this theme portrayed and developed? Was family portrayed in the same way in both texts or were there differences?
Oral Exam (Communication)
For the following section, you will orally summarize The Kite Runner for the teacher. Answer the prompts listed below with as much detail as possible. Please submit as a sound file.
What is the plot of the story? What happens during this story?
Who are the characters in the story? Who is your favorite character and why?
What is the main theme of the story and how is it represented? Please provide examples with your answer.
Which part of the story was the most meaningful to you and why? Please provide examples with your answer.