Your team submission must include the following documents.Team Cover Page provided with this document (provide each team member name and signature)Structure charts for each program.Program listings for each programReport listings (output) as noted in Processing RequirementsPrint out of Screens as noted in Processing Requirements
Flowcharts are not required in your team submission. However it would be wise to draft flowcharts for you own use to ensure you have the correct sequence of the modules or module content involved.
There are three major functions to be carried out. It may be best practice to handle these in three or four separate programs,Inventory Master File and the Suppliers file must be converted to Indexed Sequential Files. (Refer to File Conversion). The Suppliers File and Inventory Master File are the same structure as provided for Project 3. However the record content will be different.
Once the Inventory Master File has been converted to an Indexed Sequential file it must be updated with the provided transactions in an online basis.(Refer to Indexed Master File Update).
You must provide a print of a screen shot of at least the last online transaction.
Note:Your program must use the Copy and Call commands as noted in the Inventory Report Program requirements below.
The Master Inventory File and the Suppliers file must be converted to indexed sequential files. Both these files will be used in the other program(s) .
The indexed sequential file names must be called INVENT6 and SUPPLIERI so reference in the subsequent programs can be made.
Use the suppliers file provided with this project set as it has been sorted by a key field (supplier code). DO NOT use the SUPPLIERS file from Project 3.
The Inventory Master file, now an Indexed Sequential File, must be updated using online (interactive) transactions.
You must use a Screen Section in your program to enter the transaction data and apply it to the master file.
The transactions for this update are provided below in Online Transactions.
You must provide a screenshot of the last transaction process and the screen that queries whether a transaction is to be processed.
You must use Condition Names to determine which type of transaction is to be processed.
Two types of transaction will be provided. One will indicate a sale of an inventory item (decrease in the quantity on hand). The other will represent the receipt of an inventory item (increase in the inventory on hand).
You must run the report program from Project 3. However you will have to alter the reference in the Environment Division to ensure you are referring to the correct version of the file.
In this program, you must use the COPY command for the record structure of the Inventory Record.
You must use the CALL command to execute the module to compute the value of the inventory item.
You must compose the structure of the re-order report, but it must have the
Inventory Number, Inventory Name, Quantity on hand and the Supplier Name.
The Supplier Name must be retrieved from the Suppliers Index Sequential File (SUPPLIERI) created as an indexed sequential file (see above -- File Conversion (Master file and Suppliers file conversion)). You will use the Supplier Code (foreign key) to access the Supplier record.
Online Transactions (to be supplied)
-relationship to function chart ;
-use of prescribed commands as required by the problem specifications;
-application of standards and structures;
-use of proper functional constructs (cohesion and coupling);
-use of internal comments;
-successful compilation and execution.
The output reports (hard copy or screen display) will be examined for accuracy of the output information and the prescribed format as noted in the problem specifications.
-proper use of symbols and logical diagrams/narratives (i.e. flowcharts, PDL, or pseudo code) ;
-proper structure and content of structure/function/hierarchy charts;
-clear and accurate report or screen layouts (if required);
-clear description or comments of the program logic.