An argumentative essay is the most common form of essay in communication studies (and for many the most rewarding!). In this form of essay you will take a position on a certain topic or issue related to communication and social change and develop an argument with respect to it. This form of essay requires that you explore your topic in depth and that you have a coherent argument with respect to it. For this type of essay, you will provide a thesis or a topic sentence, explore several reasons (2-3) why your thesis or topic assertion is supported, and then anticipate some reasons why some people may disagree with your position. You will have to refute these counterarguments, andthen provide a strong conclusion reiterating your position. You are encouraged to tackle unique subject areas that you feel strongly about, but make sure they relate to the following topics.
Below is a list of topics that you can choose from. Depending on your approach, each could be the basis for an argumentative essay. Remember, you need to choose a specific subject of the topic, as each has many facets that could potentially be explored.
Political Economy, Media Policies and Democratic Society: Explore the problems that arise when neoliberal media policies are implemented in media industry. Use an actual case study to explore the ways in which various players (government, politician, corporate media, media regulatory institution, and other interested groups) intervene in the policy debate. Related case: the net neutrality debate in the US.
Or research and discuss the ownership structure and market domination of a specific media, Internet, or telecom conglomerate, or explore the media oligopoly in a specific national economy. How does the specific conglomerate benefit from media concentration, horizontal/vertical integration, or cross media ownership while at the same time limit the public’s choices on information and drive up the service charge? Related cases: any media conglomerate such as Google Inc., Walt Disney, Amazon etc. or Canadian media/telecommunication oligopoly, Mexican media oligopoly etc.
Advertising, Ideology and Capitalist Society: Choose at least 3 print or electronic form of advertisement. Undertake an analysis of the various representational elements in those advertisements. What are some of the ideologies and values which circulate in the ads, and which support and underwrite the interests of capitalist industries?
Explore the role of advertising industry within the capitalist system and its relationship with the culture industry – how it fosters false consciousness, and contributes to the standardization of cultural life and consumers. (Do not take on the topics such as how does alcohol or tobaccoadvertisements affect on people’s consumption habits, the impact of the fast food commercials on child obesity, or the marketing strategies of Dove’s advertising campaign. Do not focus on the marketingeffectiveness of advertising.) Procedure:
Academic research is about finding what the evidence suggests, even if it disagrees with your ‘gut feeling’ or anecdotal information. Even if you have remarkable insight concerning a topic it will not be worth much unless you can logically and persuasively support it in the body of your essay.