For this assignment you must use SI database
1.Print the total amount, the average dollar value of service visits (parts and labour costs) and the number of those visits for Acura, Mercedes and Jaguar car makes that are sold between May 2017 and August 2017 inclusive
2.SI database contains customers that have bought one or more vehicles. They can be classified using the following criteria:
a.Customers that have bought only one car (one-time buyer)
b.Customer that have bought two cars (two-time buyer)
c.Customers that have bought more than two cars (frequent buyer)
Display a list of customers with their names and what type of buyer they are for all those customers that have bought Jaguar car makes.
3.Using SET operations, display a list of customers that are interested in a car (prospect table) of the same make and model which they already own.
SELECT custname
FROM si.prospect
Where make=model;
4.Show a list of total amount of money spent on service for Toyota cars. Show the subtotals for each model
5.Write a query using analytic functions that will show the serial number, the sale price of each JAGUAR car as well as the cumulative price totals.