1. Write a grep command that prints out all the lines containing jobs whose outlook is Good.
2. Write a grep command that prints out the number of lines that refer to jobs whose outlook is Fair.
3. Write a grep command that prints out all the lines containing jobs whose outlook is Limited and save the output to a file called limited.
4. Write a one line command that prints out the names of the jobs (NOC Titles) of the jobs whose outlook is Undetermined.
5. Write a one line command that prints out the names of the jobs (NOC Titles) of the jobs whose outlook is Undetermined, sorted alphabetically (duplicates are okay).
6. Now build on your command from 5 to print out the unique jobs in alphabetic order. This can be done in one line.
7. Now build on your command from 6 to print out the first 5 jobs that appear in the list.
8. Save your result from number 6 to a file called unique_undetermined. Now write a sedcommand
9. Now write a one line sed command that prints of the file unique_undetermined.
10. Write a sed command that inserts your name at the top of the file unique_undetermined. (Google isyour friend).