Start Assignment 1 only after you have completed Part I, Introduction andDescriptive Statistics. Use all of the information provided in the textbook and thecourse Study Guide. This assignment is worth and contributes8% towardsyour final grade.Show your solution step by step for each problem to receive partial points for wronganswers.
Question 1
Briefly and concisely define in your own words the following concepts. Provide anexample for each concept.
a. Sample and population
b. Experimental method and correlational method
c. Interval scale and ratio scale
d. Mean and median
e. Variance and standard deviation
Question 2
A Grade 3 teacher would like to know the effect of attaching a happy face sticker onevery assignment that is marked 85% and above. Assignments that are markedbelow 85% obviously do not receive any sticker. She announced to the class that atthe end of the term students whoreceiveat least 15 stickers will receive a specialprize. At the end of the first month of school, she counts the number of assignmentsthat each student submitted with a sticker on it. She was particularly interested toknow whether those students receiving a sticker maintain their mark and those whodo not receive stickers improved their assignments in order to receive the sticker.Based on the above study, identify the following:
a. Independent variable
b. Dependent variable
c. Whether the dependent variable is discrete or continuous
d. The scale of measurement used to measure the dependent variable