You will select an industry that you will use for both Assignments in your HR Planning course. When selecting your industry, provide reasons why you made this choice, indicate the applicable industry association(s) you will reference for key trends and identify at least 2 companies you will include in your research to illustrate how HR planning compares/ contrasts, within the same industry. Complete the form “HR Planning Industry Selection Form” located in the Blackboard Week by Week folder – Week of May 19th (3rd topic section). Once you complete the form, save it (so you also have a copy) and submit your completed form in this folder by clicking on the topic title.
Based on your selected industry, you will take on the role of the HR Planning Manager for:
- Assignment 1 to compile an environmental scan, and
- Assignment 2 to prepare a succession plan for targeted jobsFor Assignment 1: find and review at least three articles on business planning environmental scanning trends related to your selected industry. All articles must be relevant and current (generally within the last 12 months) to assist you to understand workforce planning requirements within this business sector. At least one should incorporate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The articles should apply to your industry, but do not have to directly mention a specific organization.
You will also locate and review the stated corporate strategies of 2 companies within your selected industry. Based on the industry environmental scanning article trends, indicate how the corporate strategy in each of the 2 companies will be impacted.
Your report should include an overview of your industry, a summary of the industry trends from your 3 articles, and the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis related to the 2 companies within your selected industry. Include