[Even more interesting is that Young's double slit experiment would eventually become critical in thedevelopment of a new model; In the early 1900s, conjectures based on - and verified with - Young'sapparatus lead to the formulation of the revolutionary concept of matter waves and the development ofquantum mechanics.]In this experiment we'll draw on our experience with the physics of travelling waves to develop a wave-like model that describes the intensity pattern of bright and dark spots observed on a screen. You'll beprovided a set of images of interference patterns from a double slit experiment. Given slit width , slitseparation , and distance to the image screen , you'll take fringe measurements from the images inorder to determine the wavelength, , of the light source.Pre-lab:Before your lab session
1. Prepare the introduction, theory (see pre-lab item 2), and experiment sections of your report.2. Assuming that travelling light waves can be described by the waveform ,A. Derive the intensity of light at a point P on a screen a distance l from the slits, due to two wavestraveling from slits A and B towards point P. In your own words, describe the pattern observedon the screen. (Hint: Consider the result of the summation of two waves. You may need toapply trig identities to derive a new equation expressing the result.)B. Draw a publication-quality image to supplement your derivation in (2.1). Your image shouldclearly illustrate wave fronts and the role of phase, , in your intensity derivation.Consider available options. Illustrations can be done well with simple or complex tools.Word/PowerPoint (or variations... Google Docs, Open Office, etc.)PhotoshopInkscapePython with drawSvg module (code-generated SVG vector graphics package)BlenderAutoDeskother?3. Under what conditions would you expect the waves of (2) to interfere constructively and generateintensity maxima? Derive the relationship between wavelength , slit width , and screen distance , that yield brightness maxima.4. (Optional) Given several known light sources of different wavelengths, how could you graphicallydetermine the slit separation of your apparatus from measurements of maxima spacing for thesewavelengths?