Master of Computer and Information Science with specialization in Programming
I am insanely in love with programming. Because of my attachment towards programming, I got into academic writing. Since I was professionally working as an IT professional for last 10 years, whenever I write assignment I try to incorporate my acquired knowledge in those write-ups...Read more
Every write-up that I curate is of top quality. Have earned 5-star ratings couple of time. Read Less
Questions: DELIVERABLE: A written case briefing analyzing the assigned case. Carefully study the assigned case and after following the case method as discussed in classwritea casebriefingpaperthat includes the sections found below. The report itself should be no longer than 1500 words excluding title page, appendices and references. You are not limited to the number of original work appendices you many include. Be sure to show the work you have done, such as calculation of financ...
Get AnswerTask 1 – Paradox of warningTask 1 is a research-based assignment, weighted at 50% of the overall portfolio mark. It should take you approximately 15 hours to complete. It is expected that the report for this task of the portfolio will be in the region ofthe title and explain how different cyber operations can support a defensive cyber security strategy that is making use of the paradox of warning. For references and bibliography you are expected to use appropriate peer reviewed sources for...
Get AnswerAfter completing the data analyses and refining the literature review based on your understanding of the information that you use to develop the proposed models, in this stage of the project, you need to document the data analysis procedures and evaluate the developed machine learning models from three areas: Effectiveness, by selecting and applying a set of valid measures to test the performance of the models Efficiency, by measuring the time each model took to be trained or tested Stab...
Get AnswerTask Reflective Portfolio 1. Problem Definition Explain your idea / plan / goal that you will cover in this portfolio Why it is important to you? (Idea for enterprise, 5 year plan etc) Current Mission Statement & Future Vision Statement (5 year) 2: Personal Positioning Statement 1. Create your market positioning statement.2. What compelling value will you offer to your employers and society?3. How will you differentiate from other UAE students?4. How about from the broader...
Get AnswerMarketing has been accused of "making people buy" as well as putting profits before social responsibility. Chapter 1 has defined the "4 Ps - persons, place, promotion and price as those factors over which companies have some controls. Chapter 3 focuses on those areas that companies can't control but can influence. Your first assignment is to evaluate many of these "uncontrollable factors" giving rational points of view on the following questions 1. Is it ethical to market products that might be ...
Get AnswerIntroduction to Web Development with PHPThis assignment should be started the first day of class. The first step requires a registration process that can take up to 72 hours. This is necessary for subsequent steps that are due the first week of class. Purchase a domain name and web hosting plan that will expire no earlier than 2 weeks after the final course deadline. The selected domain name should be professional and parallel the Liberty Code of Conduct. Each assignment needs to be hosted ...
Get AnswerSteps to Address the Student's ConcernsYou are a level 1 technical support specialist at an online university. You begin your day by logging into your IT Service Management software. You see that there are a few tickets that came in during the night when there is nobody staffed. You also notice that there is a new voicemail in the queue. A student named Randall has called and reported his dissatisfaction with the schoolâs online classrooms being offline for scheduled mainten...
Get AnswerCity Building InspectorOur organization has a progressive Disability Management Program and is able to provide alternate or modified duties to assist in the safe and timely return to work for this employee.  Please indicate limitations and restrictions below. Project : Case Manage a Return to Work Plan Stories of the Injured Workers Don is a building inspector for the City.  He was taking down Christmas lights from the roof of his office building and...
Get AnswerTaskYour task is to replicate the experiment reported by Pulford & Collman (2008) showing the persistence of the ambiguity aversion effect irrespective of urn size.The ambiguity aversion effect, first discussed by Ellsberg (1961), consists in people’s tendency to prefer risky choices when the outcome is 50:50, against choices with unknown outcomes. Imagine you are standing in front of two urns, one containing 50 red and 50 blue marbles and another containing 100 red and blue marbles...
Get AnswerTask Drawing specific examples from the assigned reading, write a three to four (3-4) page paper analyzing The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and other slave narratives as sources. Explain the difference between a primary and secondary source and determine which type of source slave narratives would be considered. What can these sources tell us about the lives of enslaved people? Are these reliable sources? Why or why not? Conclude with an explanation of w...
Get AnswerProgramming: 4 Pages, Deadline: 6 days
great job done with recently, i got a high score valuation. thanks for finishing on time as usuall.
User ID: 5***88
Assignment: 8 Pages, Deadline: 3 days
Overall, it is a very good attempt.Grammar, spelling and report structure are fine with no major errors. However, your report lacks in-text citations ...
User ID: 1***240
Thesis: 1 Page, Deadline: 1 day
thank you for the great job and for your patience
ill come back again for another assigment
User ID: 3***78
Assignment: 8 Pages, Deadline: 5 days
recevied on time yet to be graded hope to get good scores. price was reasonable.
User ID: 3***76
Essay: 4 Pages, Deadline: 6 days
Excellent work . Deliver on time and applaudable work from writer and plagiarism free work. just look into grammar and usage of the language do not wr ...
User ID: 3***36
Thesis: 5 Pages, Deadline: 5 days
so far so good, i will take this assignment to see my tutor and see how she say and give more feedback to you
User ID: 1***72
Assignment: 4 Pages, Deadline: 9 days
very polite customer service, always reply very quick, very professional and follow the instruction carefully.
User ID: 1***93
Essay: 1 Page, Deadline: 6 days
This assignment was MBA assignment as I have asked for three business ideas. Ideas provided were really nice but were common. and provide very big des ...
User ID: 9***4
Assignment: 8 Pages, Deadline: 9 days
They completed the work before deadline and delivered in best required way. They responded quickly on chat for any doubts and clarified them.
User ID: 2***62
Essay: 1.2 Pages, Deadline: 3 hours
The answer was easy to understand. Explained answer very well. Got the answer on time.
User ID: 7***87