The essence of this TMA is to allow students to practice various theories and concepts of the B392 course. Case studies allow students to demonstrate their understanding of the studied materials. Since all questions depend extensively on student’s justification, there is no typical answer for TMA questions. This marking guideline offers general framework to mark TMA where a tutor needs to apply his personal judgment in grading each question.
The TMA covers the management accounting concepts and practices in the businesses. It is marked out of 100 and is worth 20% of the overall assessment component. It is intended to assess students’ understanding of some of the learning points within Units 2, 3, 4 and 5 beside the supplementary material. This TMA requires you to apply the course concepts. The TMA is intended to:
1. Assess students’ understanding of key learning points within the first four units.
2. Increase the students’ knowledge about the reality of the Managerial Accounting as a profession.
3. Develop students’ communication skills, such as memo writing, essay writing, analysis and presentation of material.
4. Develop the ability to understand and interact with the nature of the managerial accounting tools in reality.
5. Develop basic ICT skills such as using the internet.
The TMA:
This TMA is based around three parts of “TESCO”, “Budgeting” and “capital Budgeting”. Marks will be awarded for blending the context of each case and with relevant theory by means of your own interpretation. In addition to this, some research is required.
The TMA requires you to:
1-Review various study sessions beside the supplementary materials.
2-Conduct a simple information search using the internet and the e-library.
3-Present your findings in not more than 1,030 words ± 10% (600 words for part A, 300 for part B and 130 for part C).
4-You should use a Microsoft Office Word and Times New Roman Font of 12 points.
5-You should read and follow the instructions below carefully. Each part of the process will carry marks for the assignment.