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Operations Management: Introduction, Principles and Practices


Operations management is important. The rate of incremental innovations challenges existing operations to respond to these changes and it is the task of operation practitioners to take a different approach to serve customers, both internal and external. Operation management responds to changes in customer preferences, availability of technological innovations, as well as changes to what, where, and how we would like to work.

If you think about the products and services surrounding you all the time, from the mobile device that wakes you up in the morning, the foods and drinks you have during the day, the car or bus that take you to work or university, right until you get into your bed at night, this has been possible due to the application of operations management principles and practices. How did those products and services come about to bring you convenience beyond imagination? This subject begins with introduction to the various elements that comprise the field of operations management, from understanding the disciplines of operations, managing operations, to designing and developing operations, as well as determining operations strategies that works best to the interest of bottom-line objectives of respective firms. Fundamentally, operations managers manage the transformation process, with inputs and output, where new and evolving concepts within the field of operations
management are discussed.

At the end of this subject, you should be able to understand the contribution of operations management to continuously improve products and services on which we all depend on, including how those processes are similar yet different in the creation of value along supply chain.

Subject Objectives

The primary objective of this course is to familiarize students with the basic concepts, techniques, methods and applications of operations management, and help them understand the role of operations in an organization. Within the framework of the above overarching objective, this course has several specific objectives and enable students to:
The specific objectives are to:
(1) Gain an appreciation of the strategic importance of operations management to the viability of an organization.
(2) Learn workflow processes within an organization and understand how operations relate to other business functions.
(3) Familiarize with quantitative and qualitative methods to achieve production and operational efficiency.
(4) Develop operations-specific knowledge to manage business towards better efficiency and customer service simultaneously.

On completion of this subject, students should be able to:
SLO 1: Describe the fundamental roles and processes of operations management.
SLO 2: Utilize quantitative or qualitative techniques in making operations management decisions.
SLO 3: Identify operations management issues and provide efficient and effective solutions in solving problems.

Programme Learning Outcome (PLO)
After completing the programme, students will be:
PLO1: Able to apply fundamental knowledge in business management;
PLO2: Able to apply relevant tools and techniques used by industry to interpret data and undertake business analysis;
PLO3: Able to take into consideration social, cultural and environmental factors in making business decisions.
PLO4: Able to embed empathy, responsibility, integrity and professionalism in making business decisions;
PLO5: Able to function effectively as an individual and within a group as well as demonstrate the responsibility and qualities of an effective leader.
PLO6: Able to communicate and interact effectively with all levels of an organisation and the wider community.
PLO7: Able to systematically identify problems and provide efficient and effective solutions.
PLO8: Able to manage information and engage in life-long learning.
PLO9: Able to apply managerial and entrepreneurial skills.

Delivery Methods 

(1) Lectures
Lectures will cover key topics and be presented using hand-outs and/or other visual aids.
(2) Tutorials
Tutorials will supplement lectures to discuss relevant issues and critical areas of interest and to amplify the content of lectures. Questions, topics and supporting material will be circulated in advance to encourage preparation and discussion. These provide an opportunity to review the subject matter and to develop the requisite skills to apply the subject matter in practical problem-solving exercises.
(3) Workshops
Workshops will be more interactive practical learning sessions facilitated by the lecturer may serve to augment specific topics.
