1. Design a professional development plan, analysing key actions, resources, and support needed to achieve professional goals.
Part 1: Professional goals
• Outline three professional goals.
• Explain how your goals are aligned to the Aotearoa New Zealand standards for the Teaching Profession.
• Prioritise your goals giving reasons for your prioritisation.
Part 2: Inquiry
In the course you learned about teaching as inquiry as a way of improving teaching practice. Once you’re teaching, you will define professional learning goals related to the outcomes of your learners. For this assignment, you will focus on the professional goals you have outlined in Part I, which will prepare you to succeed in the teaching profession in Aotearoa New Zealand.
a. Write two inquiry questions that would support the achievement of your goals.
b. For one of your inquiry questions, outline the steps you would take to complete your inquiry.
c. Describe at least two different perspectives you would seek to strengthen your inquiry and discuss the insight each perspective could provide. (Perspectives may include but are not limited to: learners, wh?nau,colleagues.)
d. Conduct a preliminary literature search for one of your potential inquiries and explain how three pieces of literature you have found could be used to support the inquiry.
Part 3: Support networks
a. For each professional goal outlined in Part 1, list an individual, group, organisation or information source you can connect with that could support you to achieve your goal.
b. Outline the specific benefits you hope to gain from association with each support you listed that will move you closer to achieving your professional goals.
Part 4: Development planning
a. Use the template provided to outline a development plan that will enable you to meet the Standards for the Teaching Profession with support.
Include in your plan the actions you will take across a timeline that spans your Teacher Education Refresh programme up until your entry into the teaching profession.