MGMT602 Management of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
Report requirement:
This assignment is a case study analysis and secondary research report. It combines quality/indepth secondary research (from credible sources such as academic journals, textbooks, industry reports) on relevant internal strength identified in the case study organisation (CSO), and the application of relevant theories/concepts/research studies/findings.
This case study report assignment requires students to research and write up an analysis/evaluation of a business organisation (case study) and the environment that it operates in, and make relevant recommendations based on secondary research (incorporated with relevant theories/concepts/models/research findings).
Part A:
Identification/justification/discussion (with supporting specific evidence from the case study and relevant theory and/or research studies/findings) of
• one critical strength of the CSO
(you may need to make intelligent/logical implications from the information provided in the CSO with regard to the strength.)
Identification of strength relates to evidencing the specific existence (strength) from the specific narration in the case study.
Justification of the strength relates to evidencing the relevant and respective theory/concept/research studies/findings in support of that identified respective strength.
Part B:
• Recommendations (that are specific and with justifications) for the identified strength (as per Part A above) in the context of the identified current external issue/trend.(‘Justification’ of Recommendations refers to evidence from relevant theory/concept/research studies/findings that the recommended actions have been proven to have been successful previously in similar context to the CSO context.)
Marking Guide
Part One (Quality/Credibility in relation to Internal/External research findings) Clearly & explicitly identified, explained, justified & discussed;
a) one strength of the CSO (you may need to make intelligent/logical implications from the case study) Relevancy of Theory(ies)/concept(s) applied that justified the strength/weakness identified.
Part Two (Quality/Credibility of Recommendations)
Provided clear, creative, relevant and detailed recommendations/action plans (in relation to the respective ‘strength’) for the CSO, based on your finding/analysis of the CSO in Part One above.