GPO1: Competently apply knowledge relevant to health issues to assist in the enhancement of the health of the individual, whanau/family, organisations and communities.
GPO2: Critically assess ways in which socio-cultural, economic and physical environments are determinants of the health of the individual, whanau/family, organisations and communities.
GPO3: Evaluate how well the holistic health needs of the individual, whanau/family, organisations and communities are met through the provision of and access to health services.
GPO4: Research, articulate and apply knowledge and skills relevant to ethical and effective health promotion practice within their work context
LO1: Identify socio-political and cultural determinants of health that affect individual, whanau/family, organisations and communities and analyse the implications for healthcare outcomes in Aotearoa/New Zealand
LO2: Examine the principles and concepts of primary healthcare as they relate to the Aotearoa/New Zealand context
LO3: Analyse health promotion theories and frameworks for professional health practices to develop a theoretical health promotion project
you must meet all the stated learning outcomes (LOs) and must achieve 50% marks in tasks addressing the LOs.
Type: Individual Essay
Weighting: 60%
Wordcount: 2000 +/-10%
Analyse five principles of primary healthcare that relate to Aotearoa/New Zealand.
1. Develop a Health Promotion Project addressing one of the below given health challengesin New Zealand/Aotearoa. Project must clearly include vision, mission, background, challenges and future plan.
2. Analyse the application of the Ottawa Charter as the global framework for the Health Promotion Project that you developed in part a. Apply following three principles of Ottawa charter.
Building healthy public policies
Creating supportive environment,
Developing personal skills
3. Analyse below mentioned theories in context of the developed Health Promotion Project.
The Health Belief Model
Stages of Change Model (Transtheoretical Model)